Clown Loach couldnt swim then died. BGK and others now sick.

May 3, 2009
This seems to be a very serious problem.

I'll start from the beginning. I month and a half ago i got a 55 gallon tank. I attempted to cycle using ammonia and after a few weeks of that opted to use Safe Start (this was after dumping all the original water out). So officially my tank has been running about one month. I had 6 small clown loaches, 1 bushy pleco, and 1 BGK. One of my clowns died in the first week I suspect because he was injured by the net I used to put him in the tank. The other 5 seemed to be healthy and swimming around and doing the clicks theyre famous for doing. I do a weekly water change of 25% (did one yesterday) and the tank is filtered by an Emperor 400 (I have opted not to change the filters, just remove the carbon). Last week I added 2 Kribs to my tank which seem very healthy along with 2 plants.

So after all that early this week I noticed one of my Clowns struggling to swim. It seemed to be twitching itself to swim though this was only occasional at first. Over the course of the week I've noticed at least 2 clowns often sitting in the substrate not swimming around or moving unless I got close to the tank.

As of today all of the loaches seem to have at least minor problems swimming. I found my BGK on his side not moving in his log today after a feeding(breathing). I turned off the lights and he started swimming around but it doesnt look good for him either.

The clown I mentioned before died in serious pain most likely (I wish I had clove oil and vodka to euthanize). It could not swim at all....I found it on its side barely alive and it died a short time later.

I suspect based on what I've read that it had the bloat. Its stomach seems somewhat enlarged and it had lost much of its orange (very pale). Its anus has a red spot possibly from being constipated.

I originally fed the fish way too much when I got them. In the last 2 weeks ive been using small pinches twice a day which I've now cut back to once (they eat Tetra Flakes and I give my BGK a pinch of bloodworms though the clowns love it too).

The other things I can tell you is that I'm having some water parameter issues. One issue I've noticed is that theres a thin layer of foam (good amount of bubbles) at the top of the water. Someone said it might've been a result of me using Prime and another water conditioner, but its been 2 weeks and this layer hasn't gone away even with water changes. I suspect the fish are swallowing this when they eat.

Namely I can't get any substantial Nitrate levels. I have 0 Nitrite, trace Ammonia but also maybe .5-1 Nitrates after more than 4 weeks (using API master kit).

If anyone can suggest what I could do to treat the fish let me know. Only the clowns and BGK seem affected. Should I return them to the store?


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
I would suggest returning them all to the store until you get your tank cycled fishlessly. But I've yet to see someone actually take that advice, so what I would suggest you do is do a HUGE water change, 50-75%. With those fish, especially the rams, loaches, and BGK, you should have 0 ammonia and nitrite readings. They're just too sensitive of fish to have anything wrong with their water quality. Make sure you are changing and treating the water correctly, take a look at the link in my signature about this.

You also don't need to be feeding twice a day, that is excessive. Once every other day is fine and will cut down on the bioload.


Large Fish
Aug 6, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
55G is just not enough room for 5 clown loaches, what will you do when they become adults? I have no useful input for this except for that you chose mostly water sensitive fish. They're not exactly hardy and in an uncycled tank may be hard to keep alive. Good luck...