Clown loach happy or sad?


Large Fish
Feb 26, 2010
Bournemouth, United Kingdom
Hello All,

Long time, no speak!
My other half, oh wait fiance! We got engaged on Christmas day! Anyway, he bought a clown loach a few months back as a present not knowing they needed to have at least 3 of them in a tank.
So he's been on his own for a little while and the other day I aquired another one as it needed a home badly. Since then, I haven't seen my old clown loach. He seems to have disappeared. I know it might have been a big shock to him having a new kid on the block and although he is very timid, he usually makes an appearance every now and again. But nothing! I'm worried he's been squashed in some wood or maybe had a fight with the other one!
Please advise, just to put my mind at ease lol!

Thank you x x x x


Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
I've had a few loaches (never clown) and they all hid in odd places, I was always worried they were stuck, but they rarely were. He's probably found a good place to hide. Same goes for my clown plec!


Large Fish
Feb 26, 2010
Bournemouth, United Kingdom
Thank you :)

I had a play around and I found him, although he is looking a bit "peaky".

I worry that he doesn't eat enough, he was amazing at sorting out my snail problem, I'm absolutely positive there are none in the tank (except for the apples!) I put wafers out for him and he sometimes eats the flakes but I don't want him to starve. Any thoughts? x x x


Large Fish
Feb 26, 2010
Bournemouth, United Kingdom
Thank you guys, they have gone to my LFS, although they did try and tell me they don't grow that big and that my tank was big enough!

Just had a guppy die :( no apparent reason, water parametres are fine. I hate it when that happens :(

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