Loaches are all active and clicking for the time being.
I looked at UV sterilizers at the lfs today: $100! I don't think so. I realize it's a handy thing to have in many situations but I can't justify that expense. I think there're a few aquarist clubs around here that I could potentially get active in and find one to borrow, or I can also try to hit up the guy that manages the fish tanks at my friend's bar, but this is not something I can purchase right now.
The guy at the fish store suggested the product Clout. Any thoughts on this? Also, the guy at the fishstore was kind of an asshole and either wasn't that knowledgable, or really didn't want to share. I may have to go back in the next few days and talk to one of the guys I like.
"Can I rent one or something?"
"Ha. Right."