Clown Loach Paralyzed?


Large Fish
Feb 21, 2003
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hey all, its been a while since i've posted but i have a question.
I've got three clown loaches, very small , the largest is about 3 inches. Anyway, i've had them for a while and have never had any diseases, they've always schooled and ate well. I've fed them cucumbers, brine, flake etc. So they've been very healthy, very active, and very bright coloration.

Their tank makes are two paradise gouramis, one candy stripped goby, and one clown knife fish. Know i know you might say, i shoyuldnt keep the clown knife in with them, but im a fairly seasoned aquarist and i've got the clown knife trained to only accept certian food items, also the fish in the tank are too large for the clwon knife to eat... Anyway, i look over at the tank tonight and see that all is well, 5 minutes later i look over again and see my largest clown loach freefloating around in the tank being moved by the current. His colors were VERY dull, almost white. So i quickly did a artial water change and tested my levels. all was fine. The filter is good, i have a powerhead with a sponge were bacteria will grow and good current, good lighting and a plethora of live plants.

Hes currently sitting in a net propped up against the glass of the tank motionless. Hes been this way for a while now, his colors returned to normal and i noticed one of his eye barbs was ejected.

Before his color returned he had a few spasms and curled up and streched back out.

I've never seen anything like this in all the years i've had aquariums, and of cource, this is my first time having clown loaches. All of the other fish are perfectly fine as well.

Can anyone offer help regarding what the mystery problem really is?


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I guess it's good news that his colors have come back.

I can think of a couple of possibilities.

1. Clowns can be a little too friendly. Maybe he got too close to the knife or a gourami (sometimes they pick parasites off other fish), and got attacked for it.

2. He got himself stuck somewhere in the tank -- under a rock, behind a heater, or something like that. I have heard stories of them jumping into the filter outflow. Maybe he jumped out and got stuck on a light or something like that. Sometimes they can be too curious for their own good. Obviosly he freed himself if he did.

I think all you can do is give him some rest. Does he have any visible signs of injury?

I hope he makes it :)


Large Fish
Feb 21, 2003
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well guys, he died.... And im pretty upset over it, he was one of my fav fish. His colors almost completely faded, zero gill activity, spine still protruding... wouldnt respond to any stimulus. I really wish i could figure out what did this. Im not doubting the knife fish could have taken a shot at him, what what the hell could cause him to go into so much shock that the stress alone kills him.


Large Fish
Feb 21, 2003
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THanks dana307. The clown knife has been removed and the other loaches seem to be moping around, their school has been interupted so ill need to get another larger clown to take over the head of the school. People talk so muchh about fish stress, and anyone reading this should take heed that stress is a literal killer. It'll kill many types of animals, not just fish... if it'll kill others so easily, it'll also kill us... eventualy. Just some insight i had tonight
Thanks for responding everyone.


Large Fish
Jan 6, 2003
you're welcome adam. Good advice we all need to keep in mind. I just got a new fish on friday and have been holding off on my weekly water change to let him get adjusted and to decrease his stress before adding a new stressor.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Sorry to hear he died :( It is very frustrating when you know they are sick or injured, but can't do anything about it except hope for the best.

Clown loaches definitely grow on you. I hope his replacement has a long and happy life :)