Clown Loach ??


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Hey guys heres my setup so far. Ive got 4 zebra danios, 3 tigerbarbs , 1 pleco and 3 medium clown loaches.This is my second set of loaches I lost the first batch a couple of weeks ago after I brought them home. I picked up these new ones from a different store but was thinking they might be having problems. I notice that there noses are becoming more white. There noses were fine when I brought them home but now three days later the nose is whiter. Is this the first stages of Ick? Is this normal ? Why therir noses?


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Water is good, Ph at 7.6. Im not feeding to much, no nitrates Im doing weekly water changes. Is it just stress from moving the clowns?

Hi Madpad, I hope I can help on this one.
Sounds like columnaris, I take it you are in the USA, go to your LFS as soon as possible and treat this with anti-biotics.Please advise your LFS owner that you are treating Clowns as they are quite delicate.
Pennicilin or even better tetracycline.
This should clear it up in a few days.
Catfish usually contract this due to bacteria living in the substrate, give it a good hoovering. 8)
Forgot to mention that your filter bacteria will probably die as well, best to treat fish in another tank with no filter.
Clean main tank and use some general bacterial remedy that will not affect the filter,your LFS will know which one to use. 8)


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
If you don't have a quarantine tank, then I suggest you take out the filter media before starting the meds and replace it back once you have finish the treatment and the fishes look well.


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I have a penguin Bio wheel. Do I remove those cartridges also. They have carbon too. Right?  Would loaches catch this and the fish who introduced it show no signs of it?

Remove all media including carbon.
Carbon will adsorb the medication and you have wasted your money.
The bacteria problem probably started in your substrate, your other fish will have built up an immunity to this but your new fish have not.
All catfish and loaches love foraging in the substrate, I use sand as this does not damage their barbels and is less likely to hold disease spreading bacteria. 8)