Clown loach

Oct 22, 2002
What is the big deal with these fish? Why does everyone love them?!?!

I have 3 in a 55 gallon tank and all the do is nip at the fins of my other fish.

I had them 3 days and one of them took out my corys eye (And i mean out of its head!) >:(

One guy that DOESNT like Clown loaches.

I have always been led to beleive that their diet consists mainly of crustaceans, but I have been told I am wrong on another fishy web site, they are of the opinion that they are vegetarian?
Never heard this before.
Even Herbert Axelrod states that they should be fed a live diet, I cant remember the last time I saw a plant moving around the tank.  8)


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
southern Ohio
I looooooove clowns.  They are pretty, funny, and keep snail populations in check.  I have one in my 38 gallon, he is about 4 inches long...maybe more.  He does sometimes chase my Shubunkins tails...but not often, and hes never ripped them or hurt them.  I got a young clown fish today to put in my 55 gallon.  Hes about 2 inches.  I've never had a problem with them and would recomend them to anyone who has a snail problem.

Clown Loaches have personality

Clown Loaches are cool because they have personality. They are brightly colored and very active. They swim around in little groups that remind me of little fish biker gangs. They often greet me at the glass and hover like humming birds. I can tell that they are looking at me and waiting for me to feed them. They make clicking noises, they actually talk! They also do cool things like sleeping on their sides and playing tag! Plus they can live for like twenty years, so one can become quite attached to them. They are not "just another fish" each is an individual. In my opinion the coolest fish available.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Clown loaches I've had experience with love love love Wardly brand sinking shrimp pellets. Then again, I don't think there is a fish I've met that doesn't.  Try getting yourself a small, shallow cermic dish (like the type they use for reptiles) and placing that on the bottom of your tank. Then put in enough shrimp pellets for the loaches and cories to share. Fish that are well fed are less likely to attack tankmates and nip at fins. Although I know clown loaches can get somewhat aggressive, I've never personally have ever witnessed it. I've also never personally have witnessed any fish ever have truck with cories.  Even my rainbow shark, a relative of clown loaches, and plecos seem to tolerate the cories even if they chase around all the other fish.

Clown loaches also love snails. Most LFS have little mud snails crawling around their tanks. Where I used to work we would give them away for free. But even if they're not free, it would be worth it to do you get a little 5.5 gallon tank, maybe do some guppies in it, then start seeding your larger 55 gallon with snails from your colony. They will also be appriated by your clown loaches as a source of food.

I sank a flower vase with a tapered neck into the gravel. Inside I put some gravel and a bunch of tubifex worms. My clowns are worthy of live food but my other fish will hog them all before the loaches even get a chance if I just drop them in. I say a picture on a loach web page where a guy was feeding his by sliding worms down a piece of pvc pipe down to the bottom of the tank. Most of the time clown loaches are not at all aggressive. However, one of the things I like about them is that they will surprise you with out of character actions. I recently put a feeder guppy into my tank and *wham* one of my clowns nailed it. I also read a page where a guys clown loaches went crazy, killed all his other fish, and then laid eggs...