Clown Loaches going crazy & not eating


Small Fish
Apr 16, 2005
ive got 10 clown loaches in my 50 g. tank with rocks plants and bog wood. But they are going crazy, they are swimming really fast bak and forth and they are not eating. ive tried all kinds of food. pellets,flakes, beef heart. everything but they are still not eating, ive also tried putting food at night. what should i do?


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Welcome to MFT. If you can answer some of these questions, it might help us to help you. :)

How long have you had them in the tank? What are your water parameters (temp, pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate)? What else is in the tank? How long has the tank been set up? Do you have a lot of caves for them?

Loaches often swim up and down in a new home. It's possible they're just getting used to the tank.


Small Fish
Apr 16, 2005
I had my loaches for almost 2 weeks now. MY tank temps is at 80F and ph 6.1.
I only got clown loaches and 1 albino pleco so far. but im planning to add more clown loaches when i move them into my 90g tank. its just gonna be pure clown loaches in my tank. But so far i cant get them to feed. it looks like they are really disoriented, they got enough caves and rocks+live plants to hide into. Ive tried everything. nothing works


Large Fish
Sep 2, 2004
Shelby, NC
First, do a good water change, that never hurts anything.

Do you have water test kits? Absolute must test kits are ammonia and nitrite... test for ammonia first and then nitrite, both should be at zero. Best test kits are the vial and dropper ones, not the test strips, which are notoriously inaccurate. Also, a pH test kit is cheap and good to have, and so is a nitrate test kit, though it's a tad more expensive than the others.

If your tank is cycled, I'd say give your loaches time and let them adjust. I imagine they are only a couple inches in length, and as you're planning on getting a 90 gallon, ten should be fine in your 50 for a good while.

How do they look? If they are plump, orange, and swimming energetically, they should be healthy. Also, when loaches are in packs, some gray out their black stripes as a sign of dominance or submission.

Sometimes mixing the food in fresh garlic juice stimulates appetite.


Small Fish
Apr 16, 2005
My water parameters seems normal. temperature is at 77F and my ph is at 6.2. But i did a 40% water change just incase. MY tank was cycled for about 3 weeks cuz i didnt have time to get my loaches from the store. my tank contain java ferns and anubias plant tied on da bog wood,when i started cycling the tank. my loaches are around 2 inches long. so i dont think 50g tank is too small for them. They got a lot of hiding place but for some reason they never use it.. This tank is just temporary,they will be moving in a 90g planted tank soon.. thats still being cycled.. and im thinking of buying more clown loaches once the tank is done the cycle. it will just be clowns in that tank