Anyone know much about clown loaches. I have two and I'm pretty sure one is sick but don't know about the other one. I got them about the same time and roughly the same size. One was a little larger but not much. Well, now one of the loaches has gotten huge and in a hurry while the other one doesn't seem like he's grown any. The small one i'm sure has something because like i said he isn't getting any bigger, he hits food and seems to spit it out (except for bloodworms), and he has developed these white spots in his fins. It's not ich i'm sure because i've seen and had ich in my tank, but instead these white spots seem like they may be becoming holes or something. Now the huge one I'm not sure if he's sick or not. He doesn't have any of the white spots in his fins but his color is a lot paler than the small one. He looks kind of greyish compared to the small one who is just as bright as he can be. Is this common, like a sign of domince or something or is he sick also but with something else? Any advice out there on what they have and how to treat it?