Clown Loaches


Small Fish
Dec 5, 2002
Nacogdoches, TX
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Anyone know much about clown loaches. I have two and I'm pretty sure one is sick but don't know about the other one. I got them about the same time and roughly the same size. One was a little larger but not much. Well, now one of the loaches has gotten huge and in a hurry while the other one doesn't seem like he's grown any. The small one i'm sure has something because like i said he isn't getting any bigger, he hits food and seems to spit it out (except for bloodworms), and he has developed these white spots in his fins. It's not ich i'm sure because i've seen and had ich in my tank, but instead these white spots seem like they may be becoming holes or something. Now the huge one I'm not sure if he's sick or not. He doesn't have any of the white spots in his fins but his color is a lot paler than the small one. He looks kind of greyish compared to the small one who is just as bright as he can be. Is this common, like a sign of domince or something or is he sick also but with something else? Any advice out there on what they have and how to treat it?:confused:


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Worth, TX
If the spots are becoming holes, it could be a fungal infection, which is the result of another disease. I'm not doctor or vet, so I'm just guessing. You might call one and see if they have a clue.

All loaches will establish a pecking order. Normally, the larger ones dominate, and can keep the others from eating. If it's a serious problem, you mash wish to separate them. I wouldn't worry about their colors too much. If they are really pale, this generally means their spooked or possibly sick. If their color is still there, but washed out, and they act kind of wierd (not spooked), chances are, they've been squabbling.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Worth, TX
Heh, loaches are strange and interesting critters. They milky color can represent a number of things. You may be referring to what I call "washed out." Stress and spooked loaches turn very pale all over the body. If they are squabbling, the pattern definition is there still there, but the black stripes look really faded, I guess kind of milky looking. When loaches fight, it's only to let the others know who their daddy is. :) I have a 7 loaches in one of my tanks, and the zebra is by far the most dominant. He does his best to chase all the others away at feeding time. The 3 clowns all look great with vibrant colors, but they don't grow much. The zebra is slowly growing, but it's tough to tell his coloration among all his stripes and the milky white bands between them. He's definitely not as dark as when I had him in a tank with another zebra.

I have 2 more clown loaches with a green terror cichlid, and they get along great. They do fight from time to time, but most of the time they are buddy-buddy. They are growing quite nicely.

Dec 4, 2002
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May the 2 clown loach are lonely. I think there are shoaling fish.

Btw, does your clown loach like to lie on its side, as if there were died?
I've 4 and see them do that often. when I approach the tank they will spring back to life.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Hmmm. I also have 2 clown loaches and I was also wondering about the color thing. I as well have 1 that is large with a more faded "milky" color and 1 smaller one that has brighter colors. The larger one is the dominant one and I was worried at one point because the two of them were fighting a lot. I believe it was mainly over their living space which is a piece of driftwood.

However now they seem to be quite used to each other and they have been getting along fine. They seem to be sharing their living quarters now without incident, even if it does get a little cramped. Now when my algae eater tries to cuddle up in there with them, well then theres problems. :)


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Worth, TX
Originally posted by ytrewqsg
May the 2 clown loach are lonely. I think there are shoaling fish.

Btw, does your clown loach like to lie on its side, as if there were died?
I've 4 and see them do that often. when I approach the tank they will spring back to life.
Clown loaches can be kept alone, but I've observed that they seem happier if they have a partner (or more) to hang out with.

My clowns do odd things. One trio I have, when they were alone (not with the dominating zebras), swam backwards loops, just plain swam backwards-as if they were 'moon walking,' and 'clicked.' The pair with the cichlids are wonderful indicators of water quality. Every time I do a water change, they will 'click', or bite the plastic trim lip at the top of the tank. Their clicking gets loud too! Enough to wake me out of a deep sleep! They stop doing it when the water gets old, after about week or so. Soon as I change it, CLICK CLICK CLICK!


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Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Kalamazoo, MI
Hmm, I have 2 clowns, they are pretty neat, and they do click the water when they come up to eat off the top of the water. I was having some issues with ick with them but it seemed to have cleared up.