clown Pl*co

So i bought the clown pl*co tday and added it to my 75 gallon which only has 3 baby guppies, i use to have 12 baby sailfin mollies, but my mom's boyfriend put water in the tank, becuase it was low and the all disapeared when i woke up, oh without water conditioner. well i went to my LFS and i wanted to get a horseface loach, but the lfs guy said that the horseface loach would eat the babies. So i said oh, okay and bought the clown Pl*co, because i have some algae on the driftwood. Well since i know nothing about the clown pl*co, except it's like 1 inch/might be less. He was also 4.99 and looks pretty healthy and CUTE, lol, he's very funny and small and i like him, the guy said he'll be about 5-6 inches, is this true, because i might want to get another one then, do they eat algae well? need vegetables, ect...?

Jun 25, 2003
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the lfs guy was right. probably 6" max, and he'll eat your algae too. the pnly thing is plecos don't enjoy eachother's company, but if it's a 75 gallon, then hey, go for it.

i don't think they need veggies or anything special either.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
#6 algae for clown plEcos.they like wood,squash,cucumber,yam(a fave food)
also feed frozen food a couple times a week
in a large tank you could keed a you have the scientific name?thre are two fish commony sold as a clown pleco
panaqolus maccus,the true clown plec and peckolita vittata,the candy striped pleco.why do you just go to planet catfish?they have info on most all plecos commonly sold in the pet trade

May 28, 2003
Food Chain, Ontario
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I have two baby clown plecos, they don't mind each other's company, though I suspect when they get bigger they may. I have read accounts of them growing to 3" and others to 5". When I got them they weren't any bigger than my thumbnail, now they're at least twice my thumbnail. :D They don't seem to do much with the algae - they tend to hoover the bottom of the tank for the food the gouramis drop - but the gouramis go after that too, so my tank bottom is pretty clean. The clowns are a fun fish to watch, but mine seem to be fairly shy. They LOVE romaine lettuce and zucchini, and appreciate the algae wafers - but the gouramis love the algae wafers too, so they have to share. :)

Feb 18, 2003
Durham, NC
I have a bristlenose pleco. It usually hides in the castle during the day. I feed it algae waffers twice a week and it keeps the algae off of everything. I just put in some driftwood for it. Hopefully it will come out more during the day!


Large Fish
Jun 21, 2003
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I just got a new pleco too. It was labeled "Tiger pleco" at the store, but it could be a Clown too. I've looked on the Planet Catfish site and elsewhere, and I still can't tell the difference between the two species. I have heard that tiger plecos are aggressive, and mine is not, so I assumed it is a clown. Now I don't know. Mine eats algae for sure. He's been cleaning my tank non-stop since I got him (her?). It sounds like Adam got a lot better deal than me- $4.99, my pleco was $25! Did I get ripped or what? I am happy with the pleco though, even if I did pay too much.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Tiger plecos and clowns look different when they get larger - the stripes stay thinner than those on the clown, and the body shape is different. Clown plecos can be equally aggressive too - you can't really diferentiate plecs on aggression level