So i bought the clown pl*co tday and added it to my 75 gallon which only has 3 baby guppies, i use to have 12 baby sailfin mollies, but my mom's boyfriend put water in the tank, becuase it was low and the all disapeared when i woke up, oh without water conditioner. well i went to my LFS and i wanted to get a horseface loach, but the lfs guy said that the horseface loach would eat the babies. So i said oh, okay and bought the clown Pl*co, because i have some algae on the driftwood. Well since i know nothing about the clown pl*co, except it's like 1 inch/might be less. He was also 4.99 and looks pretty healthy and CUTE, lol, he's very funny and small and i like him, the guy said he'll be about 5-6 inches, is this true, because i might want to get another one then, do they eat algae well? need vegetables, ect...?