I've converted my 3 gallon Eclipse tank into a platy fry-rearing tank (no platies in there yet). The tank is fully cycled (up and running for a good year), and was inhabited by a cray and several feeder fish, so I know it can handle the bioload of what is in there now quite handily...
Here's the problem:
There are now two young clown plecos in there. They aren't babies or anything like that, but they're not full-grown either. Largest one is 2.5 inches, smaller one is maybe 2 inches or so. (Should I be chastised for putting two together in such a small tank?! LOL...I was ultimately planning on putting the larger of the two in my 10 gal. kribensis cichlid tank, but obviously that will now have to wait).
The smaller plec has ich spots---about half-a-dozen.
The tank is now full of live plants too (hornwort, anacharis, java fern, and a banana plant).
I need some treatment guidelines please...bearing in mind that these are clown plecos---Pleco experts please chime in!
Here's what I've done:
I just added 3 tablespoons of Doc Wellfish's aquarium salt to the tank (pre-dissolved in tank water beforehand). I will maintain this level according to the instructions on the Ich article found at cichlid-forum.com.
Will the salt harm the plants at all?
Does this all sound about right?
Thanks everyone.
Big Vine
Here's the problem:
There are now two young clown plecos in there. They aren't babies or anything like that, but they're not full-grown either. Largest one is 2.5 inches, smaller one is maybe 2 inches or so. (Should I be chastised for putting two together in such a small tank?! LOL...I was ultimately planning on putting the larger of the two in my 10 gal. kribensis cichlid tank, but obviously that will now have to wait).
The smaller plec has ich spots---about half-a-dozen.
The tank is now full of live plants too (hornwort, anacharis, java fern, and a banana plant).
I need some treatment guidelines please...bearing in mind that these are clown plecos---Pleco experts please chime in!
Here's what I've done:
I just added 3 tablespoons of Doc Wellfish's aquarium salt to the tank (pre-dissolved in tank water beforehand). I will maintain this level according to the instructions on the Ich article found at cichlid-forum.com.
Will the salt harm the plants at all?
Does this all sound about right?
Thanks everyone.
Big Vine
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