About 3 months ago, I added two two true percula clownfish (a mated pair), one purple tang, and 1 flame angelfish to my 55 gallon tank after the conditioning period. When I bought the clowns, they would swim around the tank and were very interesting to watch, but after about a month, the male would just start to stay in the rear corner of the tank. Now the female does too. The male floats at the top of the tank usually head up, tail down or on his side. The female stays in the same corner down towards the substrate, head down, tail up. At night, they both now just float up at the surface in the same corner. They don't do anything anymore except stay in about a 1.5" square in the back corner of the tank, usually at the surface. Also, when I bought them, they had a nice dark black midsection on their backs. Now it's starting to fade to a brownish color. (The purple tang is also fading a bit but shows no other ill signs and the flame angel is unaffected). I'm using undergravel filtration with a supplemental Fluval 204. I feed them Formula Two twice a day with frozen Prime Reef about 1 or two times a week. They eat, but only if food floats into that corner. There is 0ppm NO2, <.25ppm NH3, <5ppm NO3, pH is 8.2, specific gravity is 1.025, and temp is 79. I've also tested for O2 and the water is saturated. I do 20% water changes twice a month and add a capful of Seachem Reef Complete nutrient suplement after water changes. Does anyone know what could be causing this? I'm really puzzled.
Also, does anyone know of any good resources for identifying fish diseases and ailments? Particulary nutrient deficiencies.
Also, does anyone know of any good resources for identifying fish diseases and ailments? Particulary nutrient deficiencies.