clownfish and anemones

Dec 25, 2007
i have a false clown what type of anemone would be best to try to get him to bond?
right now i got a purple tip and he doesnt go down to him do i need to try to put the anemone higher in the tank hes on the bottom right now
and the clown dont go to the bottom of the tank


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
I guess you didn't bother to read the reply to your first post on this subject.

False clowns/ocellaris do not naturally host with most of the commonly found anemones that you see in the lfs. By "purple tip" what exactly is the genus of this it a condylactis? which have purple tips and is native to the caribbean and definitely not a host to clownfish which are native to the pacific. The condy will no doubt eventually make a meal of your clown. If it is a sebae which sometimes have purple tips the ocellaris is not naturally symbiotic with this type of anemone and it is hit and miss if they will ever host it. I have a long tentacle anemone which has been in my tank for a year and my clown only just discovered it this week and only one of the pair will go near it. Most captive bred clowns have no idea what an anemone is let alone host it. They will most likely host a coral or even a powerhead no guarantees on anything.....