Clownfish Feeding Strike


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
I have a 75g set up for about 3 months and yesterday I noticed the larger of my two clownfish not eating. Usually the larger fish is a robust (read pig) eater. The smaller of the two has never been as big an eater but now both cannot be enticed to feed. The parameters are great everything is zero. Ph is 8.2 temp 80, sg is 1.025 alk is 3.5 meq/l and ca is 400. They do not show any signs of any parasitic infection and all other fish (yellow tang & diamond gobie) are doing well. The only thing that has happened is the frogspawn that they normally host was pushed out of it's niche by a turbo and I moved it about 6 inches away then it got moved again and I replaced it in it's original spot. I also noticed that a small green star polyps that I had has closed up and won't open. It looks like it was eaten by something. All other inhabitants are doing great eating and swimming. They (the clowns) hang around the bottom corner and don't move very far away. I can't seem to get them interested in feeding. I have tried mysis, brine, soaked in garlic and unsoaked. Normally they run to the baster when I bring it out. She seems sluggish but her eyes are clear and not discolouration or spots on her.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
I have had them for about 5-6 weeks they are false perculas. Everything was fine until their host fs took a nose dive to the substrate last week. The only thing I can think of is they are stressed over it? She did have a long stringy white fece yesterday that was gone today, though she shows no other signs of brooklynella or ich


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Odd, clowns often carry stomach worms, maybe stress has reduced their resistance. Aggression from the yellow tang?

As the polyps are also looking a bit dodgy I would be tempted to keep a close eye on things. No water changes recently?


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
yes I do biweekly 10 gallons. Have been heavy skimming and everything looks okay. The polyps are starting to come back, not sure if they are being grazed over every night by the giant turbo snails. They bulldoze everything. The clown is still with us, looks just as fat as ever but is not eating. If this was ich wouldn't the tang and other clown have it also? I am leaning more and more to an internal parasite? What do you use and can I use medicated food in the main d/t? I tried to catch the clown last night to do a f/w dip and couldn't she still swims away pretty darn fast and I didn't want to stress her out any more than she is. I did notice the tang brushing past her, I wonder if there are shennanigans after dark?


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
The problem with the medicated food is getting her to eat it. Will it harm the other fish if they eat it? I have a small 10g that is set up with just live rock and sand in it. I think if I can catch her I will put her there to medicate her.