Clownfish question

Nov 19, 2008
Wasn't sure if this should go here or in nano, but this seemed to be a little more general so here it is.

I have a 16g nano with two clownfish. One is a true perc, one is a black perc, they have been in the tank together for roughly four months. The black perc is larger than the true, though not by a whole lot. They were both put in the tank at the same time and I have had no major issues with them at all. So this minor issue is worrying me.

They will fight with each other, though it is not a really aggressive or damaging fight, and they take turns. The larger black perc will charge at the true, then the true will turn around and swim under the black and act like he's going to nip at her. That said, they have never acutally nipped and have no body or fin damage.

They do this randomly, other times they are best buds, swimming side by side, they snuggle up next to each other at night, the true has no problem getting his share at feeding time. I'm just a bit worried as this has been going on for several months. Is this anything to worry about/should I anticipate this escalating, or is this a normal/playful behavior?



Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Actually it sounds like the black may be exhibiting dominant character and may become the female of the pair......very normal maturing behaviour......sounds like a lively pair.