clownfish system


Large Fish
Mar 12, 2006
I know that in my marine aquarium that i want to have two pairs of Ocellaris clownfishes and i know that all clownfish dont like the same anemone. So i was wondering what is compatable with my clownfishes. Also what invertebrates are compatable with them. I have a 29g would i be able to have any more fish? i think this is in the wrong forum please direct it if necessary

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Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
Also along with what kevin said, Im not sure that in a 29G I would try to house 2 pairs of Clowns. Clowns will either pair or fight till the death. I bought 2 clowns that shared the same tank at my LFS for about a week and never had an aggression issue. No one had even a nick out of their fins. I brought them home and in a week one was dead. Not to mention that a pair of clowns becomes VERY territorial. Its not just the Anenome that they claim, they claim space too. IMO you do not have room for 2 pair of clowns. One yes but not two. I would do 1 pair pf clowns and a Lawnmower and maybe some sort of Gobie. Just keep in mind that stocking a SW tank is totally different than a FW tank.


Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
Visit site
also a carpet is a bad idea in a 29, clowns will host in almost anything, from multiple kinds of corals to even a garden flower pot....I suggest that you dont go the route of an anemone until you have a significant amount of experience under your belt.