clownfish won't interact with ananome


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Corvallis, Or
Clownfish do not need an anenome to survive, they are very happy with out one in most cases.. They probably will never interact. If your clownfish are captive bred, they won't klnow what an anenome is, there fore, not need to take refuge in one. They must be wild caught together, to truely host the anenome. I don't think they will ever host the anenome, and, it would be in the anenomes best if it was returened to the pet store. I'm very against keeping anenomes in aquarium, in many cases they have been pulled out of the ocean, just to be placed in a glass box, and die a very very short life. The average anenome in the ocean, can live to be over 200 years old, in the home aquarium, most do not survive there first year. We just do not have the ability to keep the water, as precisionally clean as they need...


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Edina, MN
Now - he didn't ask if he should return his anenome - only when or if his clowns will interact with it. As I am still awaiting my clowns to take notice of my anenomes - I can't tell you for sure - just work hard to keep your critter in top form by reading good materials on it - and trying to feed him regularly with good food and have good light.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Give it more time. Sometimes they don't even go in.

Some people have been succesful by putting a photo of the same clown species next to the anenome on the front glass. The other clown might stay around that area enough to figure out it has found a host anenome.

It might also depend on what anenome you got too.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Some clowns will go to anemones very quickly. In my experience, a clarkii or tomato usually go into them. Then there are some tank raised fish that don't because they never grew up in one. My clarkii adapted in 1/2 an hour when my percula and maroon wouldn't. As far a anemones in tanks, most I see at pet stores are usually in worse condtition after a few days. Water cleanliness and a host fish improve your chances of keep an anemone alive. My clarkii will feed it scrap fish pieces I place in the tank after feeding. I would, only after about 10 years and some growth from an anemone, say that your are able to keep it properly.