
Aug 12, 2006
Salem, NH
So I have had two percula clownfish for the past 2 days. All they have really been doing is staying at the top of the 10 gallon tank behind the filter. I have downgraded the filter from a 5-15 gallon filter to a specified 10 gallon filter. They still just stay up there. Every once in a while the dominant one will come out, but then go right back up there. I know that they dont like currents that much, but this new filter doesnt have much of a current. Anyone have any suggestions?


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
what type of setup are you running (do you have live rock? any other powerheads other than the HOB filter?)

Clownfish and many other fish can be very timid when being introduced to a new aquarium and take time to acclimate to the new surroundings.

Also as a side inquiry how long has the tank been established? Cycled with LR? How are you parameters?

Aug 12, 2006
Salem, NH
i have had the tank running for 2 weeks now. I bring a sample of water down to my local petco everyday and have it professionally tested and it is in the normal acceptable zones that it should be. Salinity is normal and the temperature is 77.5 degrees farenheit.


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
so its a fish only tank? Did you cycle the tank prior to introducing the fish to the system? Because if they were just added the tanks parameters would be in check because there would be no ammonia producing inhabitants so no reason for a non normal paramater check.

I would highly suggest reading up on Live Rock (theres a great sticky on it at the top of the saltwater forum page, and many other usefull threads that are a must read)

Aug 12, 2006
Salem, NH
the plants are safe for the salt water, or so the head of the aquatics department at my local petco told me, so are the hiding places. Im new to saltwater. I have had freshwater tanks since i was 8 years old. So thanks for the help so far.
The guy at petcoe told me that after a few weeks, the cycle should be in place and that clownfish are a hearty beginer fish, so he said they would be ok in the new water.


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
If it is possible (after 2 weeks though its doubtful) I would highly reccomend you try and return the fish to the petstore for you to try and re-establish the tank.
Live rock is a VERY beneficial and IMO a critical aspect to a succesful marine aquarium. It sounds like your relying alot on the information from the Petco department which not to sound degrading but is not the best source of information.

A anenome is not a option at this point. They require pristine water condition and have very high lighting needs. If the reading was done on them I feel this could not be oversighted.

If at all possible I would try and purchase some lr (does the petco offer live rock? I dont know why the head guy at petco would not even reccomend that LR over plants)

Clowns are hardy begginer fish but they are not indestructible in the sense of the word, cycling with them isnt the best route (cycling with lr would be the way to go)

however if you cant return them (for the time being) I guess waiting it out is all the can be done now (but you cant add more things during the cycle)