

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Worth, TX
You might hit up Orlando with Green Leaf Aquarium (a sponsor of ours). He's got everything you need and then some. Very good guy so you can't go wrong. To summarize what you need, start with a 10# CO2 cylinder. Then you'll need a regulator, needle valve, and CO2 specific tubing. There's more you can add, but it's not necessary. A solenoid is nice and maybe a bubble counter (I always thought bc's were useless). Don't skimp on the needle valve. You don't have to take out a loan on one, but the dollar store cheapies aren't a deal.

My own unit is bare bones and all bought at a welding shop. I guess I'm old school like that. Still cost me about $180 though, lol. Best investment ever, aside from a light timer.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Worth, TX
The regulator and CO2 tank cost the most. CO2 cylinders can be found in the strangest of places. Search craigslist for beer & coke supplies and the like. They don't need to "work" per say, just so long as they aren't beat up and can be traded for a new cannister when getting a CO2 refill.

Regulators are a little more negotiable. Welding regulators are about $60 and work as well, if not better, than plant-tank-specific regulators. The rest of the components are pretty cheap.

The problem with this stuff nowadays is that the metal components are very expensive because of the ongoing war. Bullets & bullet casings are made of brass/copper/other malleable metals, so that makes the demand for them pretty high, along with the price. But then again, you've got to be careful you're not paying for the logo. If you have to buy it piece by piece, you'll still be better off than dismissing the entire idea. There's really no way around a basic pressurized CO2 system. I'd stay away from the bells & whistles if I were you.


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
More on what Av said, I have been searching ebay constantly, but I am looking to pay a bit more than I need to but you can find milwaukee regulators with electric solenoids for a buy it now price of $64, but no bidding on the ones for sale without checking with would hate to be in a bidding war with a MFT

You can find nice lighting on ebay as well, I bought my 48" 260W PC lighting for $55. It isnt top of the line but it works great.

Heres a whole setup for a decent price CO2 system - eBay (item 260340807542 end time Jan-08-09 21:47:34 PST)

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Superstar Fish
Jan 2, 2007
More on what Av said, I have been searching ebay constantly, but I am looking to pay a bit more than I need to but you can find milwaukee regulators with electric solenoids for a buy it now price of $64, but no bidding on the ones for sale without checking with would hate to be in a bidding war with a MFT

You can find nice lighting on ebay as well, I bought my 48" 260W PC lighting for $55. It isnt top of the line but it works great.
$64 is a good deal. Most of the time you'll find the buy it now price around $85 like this one: Milwaukee MA957 CO2 Regulator, Solenoid, Bubble Counter - eBay (item 250347281122 end time Jan-22-09 18:15:48 PST)

I have this regulator and it works great. I bought mine from a sponsor (either here or over at plantedtank)

I bought a 5# cylinder like this one: NEW 5 lb CO2 Aluminum Cylinder W/Valve co 2 tank 5lb - eBay (item 140293420689 end time Jan-14-09 05:56:04 PST)

I believe I paid $50 plus shipping. Aluminum cylinders are more expensive than steel, though, and be sure if you have it refilled that you will be able to get yours back, not some heavy, beat up steel one.

With shipping included I was able to get my whole system for around $160. You can save and buy this stuff used...or get the steel can as I mentioned.

Thanks to Orlando, I now have a list of four things to look for:

Check Valve
(And possibly the tubing depending on where I get the regulator)

I'm looking in various places like craigslist, ebay, and amazon. I'll post that stuff later. In the mean this a deal? **********REGULATOR & ALUMINUM CO2 BOTTLE*************

That comes with a 20# tank and something that looks like the regulator that's $279 at GreenLeaf. Although it looks like it only has one gauge thing. Is this NOT what I'm looking for?

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unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
Question where would you get a CO2 tank filled?
Paintball store is one place and you can usually get discounts if you go enough, like every 4th is free. Does anyone have a set up with a paintball CO2 tank? I have atleast two tanks that I really don't use that much and am considering setting one up for the long run. If someone has done it, and Im pretty sure someone on this site has can you post back with pictures or descriptions?


Large Fish
Mar 11, 2007
Welding shops should be able to fill them or point you in the right direction, out by me there is a medical suppler that does all the Co2 stuff in the area

Here's what I've come up with so far. I haven't gotten down to around $160, but I'm getting close. :) Btw, how much does it usually cost to fill a 10# CO2 tank and how long will it last?

1) Co2 Regulator
GLA Price: $149.99 w/o shipping

Other: NEW CO2 Regulator Solenoid and FREE Bubble Counter - eBay (item 230317598692 end time Jan-13-09 20:23:46 PST)
Other Price: $71.98 w/ shipping

2) Cylinder
GLA: Aquarium CO2 Cylinder | 5 lb. CO2 Cylinder
GLA Price: $99.99 w/o shipping

Other: 10 lbs CO2 tank KEG beer tap kegerator AIR AQUARIUM ED - eBay (item 380095469825 end time Feb-07-09 02:29:45 PST)
Other Price: $86.30 w/ shipping

3) Check Valve
GLA Price: $13.00 w/o shipping

4) Diffuser 5000
GLA Price: $24.99 w/o shipping

Other: Rhinox 5000 - Glass CO2 diffuser Pollen Aquarium Beetle - eBay (item 250305228880 end time Feb-03-09 23:24:18 PST)
Other Price: $22.85 w/ shipping

Other Options:
**********REGULATOR & ALUMINUM CO2 BOTTLE*************

GLA final price: $274.97 w/o shipping
Other final price: $194.13 most w/ shipping


Superstar Fish
Jan 2, 2007
Here's some good information for you: Setting Up an Advanced Pressurized CO2 System, by Giancarlo Podio

I bought a 5# tank here (which is actually on sale now for a very good price): Co2 Air Aluminum Tanks for Keg Beer Systems |

Here's one on ebay with a buy-it-now of $47 + $15 s/h: NEW 5 lb CO2 Aluminum Cylinder W/Valve co 2 tank 5lb - eBay (item 140293611304 end time Jan-15-09 05:07:00 PST)

5# cyclinders are used more often than the larger size. One this size should last you about 6-9 months and is easier to fit inside a tank stand. Personally I would not bother with anything larger.

Here is a website where you can find places in your area that will fill your tank up.

Gases and Welding Distributors Association -Home

Just type in your ZIP code. Most places I called charged around $25 then I found one that charged $7.00. It doesn't hurt to call around.

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Yay, thanks, tom. That's an awesome site, :), although the one closest to me looks like it only does "bulk" deliveries. I'm not sure if I can just go in there and get my tank filled. I'll keep looking though.

As for the tank itself, so I should go with a 5#? Looks like if I go any bigger than that anyway, it won't fit under the aquarium. So I gues I shouldn't go for that 20# on craigslist. It's just too big.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
That site actually came up with wrong info. on my area. I know that the one that came up listed only sells tanks and doesn't fill them. The local place that does fill wasn't mentioned.

I'd recommend calling to double-check before you go to the store. Also remember that a lot of those places are open "builders hours" like 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. and not at all on the weekends.