CO2 any recommendations?

Mar 15, 2007
Guilderland, New York
I have a 95 gallon ALL Glass wave tank that has had a tremendous growth of algae since putting on the new lighting . I purchased an "algae squad" from AZGardens which i think was overkill since the snails alone seem to be doing the majority of the cleaning and the shrimp seem to have disappeared, I blame the Discus for that! I have CO2 bottles and regulators, but need to know what else I need to get the CO2 into the system.



Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
So you just have a Co2 tank and a regulator, am I correct?

If this is all you have, you will need a type of needle valve to further control the ammount of Co2 you let into the system. This gives the finest control of the gas and allows you get an exact ammount. You will also need a type of Co2 reactor. This is what actualy helps the gas disolve into the water. There are many different types at just about any price range. Obviously the DIY ones are the cheapest. My best advice is to read about the different types, and then decide which type you think will best suite your needs.

And welcome to the tank!

Mar 15, 2007
Guilderland, New York
I have 2 20# tanks and 2 5# tanks along with 3 regulators. This works out nicely since I can keep the Kegerator happy*celebrate , have a picnic with draft beer*celebrate and still give the requisite CO2 to the fish tank as soon as I finish reading about all of the different types of apparatus available and make the purchase. Thanks.

Mar 15, 2007
Guilderland, New York
After searching the web and reading everything i can find on CO2 systems i decided to take a ride to my LFS to ask what they had and to get an approximate price. The girl at the counter refered me to one of the people who actually work in the tank room and without asking what size tank or if it was fresh or salt i was quoted a price of $400. I explained that i did not need the bottle or regulator and the price then dropped to $250. Now from what i can find on the various sites i have checked this seems to be way out of line. I don't mind the store making money from my purchases, but i don't think i need to send the to Tortolla for a vacation on a single purchase!