CO2... Any Suggestions?

As some of you know, I will be setting up a 75 gallon planted tank in about a month or so.  I was going to do DIY Yeast CO2, but I don't want the hassle of maintaining three bottles at a time, and I have the $$ for a system.

I'd like to get one that is driven with a ph controller to keep the ph level.  Anyone here have equipment suggestions for me?  Any experience with the systems on the market?  I already have access to a 5 or 10 lb. bottle and refills for it through my employer (we do some welding).  Any help is greatly appreciated.

I just ordered some stuff.  I got a ph controller, solenoid, and needle valve from Pet Warehouse, and bought a 5 lb. bottle and regulator (with protection for if/when the tank "dumps") from a beer brewing supplier.

Pricey, but I got it anyway. ::)  Ugh, what am I getting myself into? ??? ;D

The CO2 bottle and regulator from came to $116 with shipping.  The Solenoid (only if you want to automate turning it on and off with a controller or with a light timer) was $60, and the needle valve (for fine adjustments, you should get one) was $27.  The pH controller (so I can control CO2 injeciton with a pH reading, completely optional) was $200.  I got the rest of the stuff from pet warehouse ( ).

Bare bones, the tank, regulator and needle valve would cost you $143.  If you want to control your CO2 to turn off at night with a timer, add the solenoid to total $203.  If you want the solenoid to be operated by the pH controller, then the total is $403.  Pricey, but nice.

If you want to save $$, and don't mind taking a risk, you could get the stuff on eBay, or just spend the $143 for a new setup as listed above.  Hope I helped!


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
This link is what I got from the aquaria newsgroup.  Supposedly it's a pretty standard deal.  Check it out for yourself and see if the prices match.

You can get a CO2 tank at your local brewery, welding store for much cheaper than your LFS.  Certain places even rent out CO2 tank for your purposes also.

Oct 22, 2002
8)Seems like you dont mind spending money..
The stuff on this website has wet my apetite. Check
it out..
Actually I placed an order, already.