
Dec 23, 2005
I'm gonna trade my zebra danios in because they're nipping!*ALL* One of my bloodfins dont look too good so I think it is gonna die:( If I do come up with 2 platies and 2 bloodfins, could I add a Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid? I read the profile here and it said minimum tank size 10g and compatibility is community when not breeding. Could I get 1 of them?:) Ok which one would be better off in a 10g with 2 bloodfins and 2 platies: A cockatoo dwarf cichlid or a german blue ram?

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They'll take flake just fine. If they're not used to prepared foods it might take them a bit to adjust but they do.
The bloodfins really should be in a group of at least 6.
Personally I'd drop either the platies or the bloodfins.
If the platies are a non-dwarf type I'd vote for them to go since they'd be the heavier waste producers.
Choosing one or the other you could have a pair of either cockatoos or GBR's.


Superstar Fish
Oct 3, 2005
Gibsonburg, OH
They should eat flake just fine, in fact my apistos will eat anything. If you are trying to breed them, then no more than a pair in a 10 gallon. I would recommend keeping them in pairs too, rather than alone. They are really neat little fish, with lots of personality :)

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Agree with Strait. In my experiences, the apistos tend to be a little bit more pushy then the rams, but the apistos are a bit easier to experiences of course.

And yes, they should take flake. Not real sure about that flake thing on the profiles, seems to be misleading. Perhaps its referring to them not eating flake that well if they are wilds. Often wild fish arn't used to flake food, so they won't take it very well.