Colbalt holding for 30 days.

Jul 28, 2006
Thats right tomorrow it will be 30 days since I noticed my cobalt holding. I had a situation where I had the cobalt breed with a red zebra so I was going to let nature take over by leaving her in the tank. I have a fully stocked 90 gallon tank and I feel she's afraid to spit due to the hostile enviroment. I've tried without success to catch her in the last week. I have a lot of rock work and I'm not about to take the whole tank down to catch her. Is it unheard of for her to not have spit at this point..??
Also I had seen a cichlid holding before at a pet store and the owner said that when he would peek around the corner in the am he would see the fry swimming freely but as he came around the corner she would scoop them up in her mouth. I can't remember what kind of fish it was doing that though??Any chance that might be happening to me??
Should I be concerned at this point?

I don't want her to hold them til she dies but I wonder if the fry are even alive in her month now?? I do notice she works them around in her mouth quite a bit but I don't know if that means they are trying to get out or not.