Cold Water Algae Eater

Dec 20, 2009
My girlfriend has a 10 gal. cold water tank with 1 black moor, 1 dwarf frog and 1 flying fox fish. She recently has been having problems with hair algae and some other type of green and orange algae, the hair algae is why she got the flying fox. What we were wondering was is there an algae eater that will survive better than others in a cold water tank that won't out grow 10 gallons? I know most are more tropical, and I heard that common plecos would survive really well but the problem is its evntually going to get too big for the tank. Any help would be great thanx.

Feb 27, 2009
An apple snail. The only fish I can think of that do well in colder water get huge. Those that stay small, don't do well in the cold water.

Better to correct the imbalance causing the algae. Algae, like all plants, need nutrients, light, and CO2 in the right amounts. If you have too much of one and or not enough of one, it can spark an algae outbreak.

If you've been battling hair algae, it sounds like you have too many 'nutrients' in the tank. Unless you are adding plant fertilizer, it means there is too much fish waste in the tank. Do more frequent water changes, or change a larger percentage of the water when you do the water changes.

Adding some live floating plants (water wisteria or water sprite both work well) can outcompete the algae (starve the algae out) and provide some nibble-food for the fish.

But you really should consider an upgrade in tank size for this goldfish. They can grow to 10inches and the 10gallon tank is 20inches by 10inches. If he doesn't get stunted from being in too small of a tank, he will not be able to turn around in that tank. A 20 to 30 gallon size would be more appropriate.

Good luck!

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Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
a ten gallon isn't enough for those fish. Flying foxes get 6" and black moors can reach 10". The ADF is fine, although he would probably do better in a tropical tank.

A coldwater algae eater is the chinese hillstream loach, AKA stingray pleco. They only grow about 3"
She needs a much bigger tank, probably a 30 gallon ideally, as goldfish are major poop machines!


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
Also, flying foxes don't eat hair algae, in fact rarely eat much algae at all, and are tropical fish. I agree with val, chinese hillstream loach are an interesting, small coldwater algae eater. But as the above comments say, your tank is too small long term for a goldfish.

Dec 20, 2009
Thank you for the help. I think I'm going to try the floating plants first just because its seems like the cheapest thing to do right now lol. I try to clean the tank every week because its so small, but literally there is a noticeable ammount of algae within 2 days. I've been telling her for awhile now to get a bigger tank because of the goldfish, but its only like 2 1/2inches so we have some time. I knew when we got the flying fox it was a tropical fish but he doesen't seem to mind it.

Thanx again!

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Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
yea please move that goldie out of there ;) It will thank you later by growing healthy.
as far as alage control.
do a blackout of the tank. the after 5-7 days of blackout, you have to do two-three massive water changes to take out all the algae spores out of the water. also during this time you want to feed every other day or once every two days. only uncover the tank during a feeding and cover it back up again quick.