collected rock in Rocky Point


Superstar Fish
Jun 3, 2003
Glendale, AZ
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i collected rocks for my fish only in Rocky Point over spring break...what steps do i need to take to sterilize (it is not live rock)...btw, when i go back in may, i'm going to collect 4 peppermint shrimp, and 1-2 brittlestars--how can i properly transport these (i have to get em past customs) and acclimate?

Apr 11, 2003
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i can't believe that you would steal from mexico steal from the ocean steal from earth, maybe you never learned this so i'll tell you, take nothing but pictures leve nothing but foot prints. i know saltwater is exspensive but shrimp and brittle stars can't be to expensive. Me and my family have gone down to rocky point for years and years (its scary what my parents looked like in some old rocky point photos) i think it selfish that you would take this away from us and many like us.


Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
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I agree, the shrimps and stars will not make it past customs alive, either they'll find them and youll be in a whole heap of trouble, or you will have to store them somewhere where they will die, either way u lose and it will kill those shrimp and star fish your taking. I think you should just bite the bullet and follow everyone else's example and just buy from the lfs, save your pennies,( it is much cheaper than highering a lawyer to defend you from the govt. of mexico)

Jun 28, 2003
Scottsdale, Arizona
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By collecting straight out of the ocean, you have no idea what you may bring into your tanks. It's best to buy from a LFS because those rocks you collected from Mexico.. well lets just say Mexico has VERY polluted water. Even the sea because Mexico doesn't have a very good sanitary program.

I agree with aresgod, it's better to save up your pennies and buy fish back home instead of using them to get out of being trapped in Mexico. The Mexican government is really tricky and unless you have the cash to bribe (a few grand in US dollars) don't try it.

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Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
i kinda agree with most of the posts here but the real issue is:why did you not think of permits and border crossing first.mexico can be very complicated when bringing things over the border,and their laws are not as democratic or reasonable.always get your permits first.mexican jail is neither clean or hospitable.and while i don't think that the custom agents would bother you too much on the rock(they'ed probably just think you a silly american)the livestock will create some big suspision.