Collection of bubble at top of tank

Sep 27, 2005
I got a small 1-gal aquarium for my goldfish. It has an air pump. The bubbles that the air pump makes are collecting all along the surface of the water, and they won't go down. They act like soap bubbles, and they always cling together. I am new at having fish, so I am not sure what could be wrong. The manual that came with the tank didn't say anything about that.


Medium Fish
Jun 5, 2005
Tucson, AZ
Does your goldfish go up to the surface of the water? He could be blowing bubbles. If they are his bubbles, then they won't pop like the bubbles from your air pump would. Not sure why fish bubbles are like that, but they are. I have a betta and dojo that will blow bubbles. It doesn't hurt anything.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
If you add too much dechlorinator sometimes it'll foam like that. Try replacing half of the water with tap water that just has one drop of water conditioner and see if that fixes it.

I'm sure you'll hear this sooner or later so I might as well break it to you that a 1 gallon tank really isn't suitable for a goldfish...they're very messy fish and usually need at least 10 gallons of water per fish. A 1 gallon tank is really only suitable for a fish like a betta or a couple of tiny fish (that are tiny as adults...not just tiny now) or some shrimp and a snail...etc.

Welcome to the hobby :) Once you read around the boards some you'll probably be itching to get another bigger tank so that you can try out some of the other great fish in this hobby ;)


Superstar Fish
Nov 22, 2004
Cape Cod, MA
Visit site
TrpTwlght said:
Does your goldfish go up to the surface of the water? He could be blowing bubbles. If they are his bubbles, then they won't pop like the bubbles from your air pump would. Not sure why fish bubbles are like that, but they are. I have a betta and dojo that will blow bubbles. It doesn't hurt anything.
Bettas build bubble nests, goldfish do not. The bubbles don't pop because of the surface tension of betta 'spit'. The bubbles wouldn't be from the goldfish -- they don't work that way. ;)

Froggy gave good advice, MR, it is probably from your dechlor. You really don't want to overuse the dechlor, it just isn't good for the fish in the long run. There are a number of good stickies on this site where you can read all sorts of good advice about fishkeeping, including how to keep your goldie happy and healthy. *crazysmil

What sort of goldfish do you have? I have a garden pond with comets, koi, rosy barbs, Mr Big the giant pleco, and two foot long butterfly comet/oranda crosses you'd have to see to believe! I also have three large tanks with fantails, a moor and orandas. *PEACE!*

Welcome to the tank! :D