color fading on clownfish

Apr 2, 2008
I just got 2 percula clowns two days ago.and got up this morning and turn the lights on and one of the clowns color is fading looks pale,but he is swimming and moving around fine,check nitrite,nitrate,ph and ammonia and ph is good and salinity is good,dont know whats wrong,if anyone knows let me know,thanks


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
some fish fade a bit at night though I am unsure if clownfish do, though I know tangs, and my foxface do. Also, clowns may fade depending on the type of food you are feeding. Try feeding them cyclopeeze that is high is orange pigments and it will help intensify/enhance their color.

Dec 25, 2007
re:fading color

what are u feeding the clownfish?
mine dont lose color when the lights go off. i usualy feed manis, brine, and some pieces of shrimp. periodically i drop some feeders in for them to eat and there color is always the same bright. i dont know if this will help your situation but its what i do and works for me


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
I am not sure what manis is? Brine gives no real substance and is like feeding your fish doritos, they eat it but it lacks the good stuff unless it is enriched or loaded up with selcon and spirulina. I am not sure also why you drop in some feeders? what exactly is that? do you mean feeder fish? as in the fresh water variety? Not a practice I would recommend. They should be fed a good diet of mysis and quality frozen foods alternating with good quality flake, pellet etc.

As suggested, look into getting some good frozen cyclopeeze this will add carotene and improve their color. Some captive bred occellaris are pale orange and perculas expecially the juveniles are somewhat paler than their mature coloring. Are you sure what you got were perculas? It is difficult to tell them apart when juvenile as the separation bars are not fully formed. The only true way to differentiate is by counting the dorsal spines.