colour of my punks


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
nigrita being the false usd catfish right?(i don't have any reference out at the time)odds are thta like most fish from the rift lake it may just be a color form.many time you will find in the rift lakes that many types of cichlid are actualy the same fish just found in diffrent spots and diffrent colors.that leads many to think they have found a new fish untill someone realy hunkers down and sorts out a the taxinomic info.but if it is a hybrid that would be quite interesting.i wouldn't think it is a hybrid though because of the size diffrence between the two types of fish.but as allways i could be wrong,plus like i said i don't have any of my reference material out.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Wasn't there a good article in practical fishkeeping on how to differnetiate these species at some point in the last year. What colour are the fin edges .....

Why do you think they're a nigrita cross - small synos look very similar, with those oversized dorsals


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2003
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If you compare with almost any reference shot of a syno. multipunctatus
1. the colouration is not right, multis are gold/brown actually white when juvenile, these are grey/dark grey
2. the finnage is not right, eg the tail on multi is a fork shape with little or no cartilege, these are fan shape with lacey dots
3. other fins are not black and white, rather grey with again the lacey spots on the fins
4. the spots are leopardised in mine, not seen this before!

my issue is primarily with being sold hybrids when advertised as pure breeds
and secondly with what will the full grown size be?


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
More thoughts - I don't think that's a multipunct. - does it have large eyes, white belly and a 'dagger shaped' humeral process (see planetcatfish for id pictures. And I'd have said the dorsal was isctinctive, but not unique.
Look at the leopard spots on yours, and the general dark colouring - s. polli? Maybe - look at more photos. Where did you get them , wild caught, local bred or czech bred?


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2003
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large eyes yes,
a lighter but spotted belly not white,
humeral process is right but then there are many which are "dagger shaped"

shop says they are from Czecho, which made me suspicious of their provenance but they didn't give this information until after I'd bought them.

I like these synos, I don't intend to breed them nor am I particularly hung up on them being correct for a Tanganyika tank. The hybrid issue of one of accurate labelling and pricing

The size issue is also important because I've put three of these into a 48" tank reckoning that they should max out at 6" - if nigrita grow bigger then I might be in a spot of bother later. Again I need to clear this up with the retailer now.


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2003
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Catfishmike - please don't think I'm trying to stake a claim for a new fish, far from it, I'm trying to obtain proof that these are hybrids so that I can pick up the retailer on price/provenance.

I know what you mean about the size difference - the eventual adult size of these hybrids is a concern to me right now - how much bigger will they get?

I've no experience of breeding but I would have thought an adult catfish pumped full of hormones in a Czech aquarium would shag the bogwood, the rocks, anything in the tank ;-)


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
no worrys like i said some times a fish isn't what you think it is thats all.and as far as czech.bred fish stay away unless you know and trust the seller there are too many bad thing coming out of there anyways.right now with all the things i have been reading about shifty breeders i only want to get hand raised local fish untill the global market changes