Hi all- I am one of the lucky few who has contracted fish tank granuloma. I cut myself on a rock Jan 31. Diagnosis wasn't given until I was finally referred to an "infectious disease" doctor. I have to be on major antibiotics for 3-6 months. Word to the wise: never reach in your tank with any open cut, paper cuts, etc. And, if you happen to cut yourself rinse thoroughly for at least 2 minutes under running water.
That aside, the sad thing is I lost both of my gouramis. They seemed fine, but the last 3-4 weeks (after my diagnosis, which I may add, I had come to my own conclusion through internet research and was correct) they were acting lethargic. I used salt and raised the temp, but no luck. I have a leopard cory who survived, and he is going in a hospital tank today.
My question: I want to thoroughly clean/sterilize the old tank, and will toss the plants and gravel. Anyone with experience on this have tips for doing this right? I want to have it ready and recycle it, and want to be sure I do it right so I don't cause any more deaths. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks.
That aside, the sad thing is I lost both of my gouramis. They seemed fine, but the last 3-4 weeks (after my diagnosis, which I may add, I had come to my own conclusion through internet research and was correct) they were acting lethargic. I used salt and raised the temp, but no luck. I have a leopard cory who survived, and he is going in a hospital tank today.
My question: I want to thoroughly clean/sterilize the old tank, and will toss the plants and gravel. Anyone with experience on this have tips for doing this right? I want to have it ready and recycle it, and want to be sure I do it right so I don't cause any more deaths. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks.