Combining tanks?

Alright, would these fish be able to survive in a 20 gal tall? Just wondering about water problems possibly, not if they coexist well. Arulius Barb, Rosey Barb, Buenos Ares Tetra, Skunk Loach, Bleeding Heart Tetra, Scissor Tail Rasbora, Mickey Mouse Platy, and a Cory. 8 fish in one 20 gal high okay? Especially with proper filtration, plants, hiding places, and frequent water changes?

I head a tank bust not too long ago, so I had to shove these fish in one ten gallon at one point, then I finally got a cheap ten gallon to give them some space, No, I want to put them all back in one tank and was looking for a smaller option then the 46 I used to have them in. I had six cories, but the tank broke and unfortunately most fish died, I was at work. There were at least two of all these guys, but opps.


Large Fish
Aug 6, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
that sucks, sorry to hear about your tank bust! what you have sounds fine in the 20, although I thought a lot of those fish you mentioned like to be in schools (i don't know exactly). Just wondering, if you put a lot of community fish together that are used to schooling with their own species, what do they do alone ? =P