common plec


Superstar Fish
Jul 15, 2006
ok so i went to wal-mart and got a 'common plec' um how do i know if it actually is a common???? any help on plecos in general would be appreciated too!! :D thanks!


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Go buy a big tank and lots of filtration. :D

PlanetCatfish :: Cat-eLog :: Loricariidae :: Liposarcus pardalis

Really they do get big and are messy. Commons are very easy to take care of. He will eat left overs from what you feed the other fish, but should also be fed algae tabs and sinking pellets at night after lights out. They grow pretty fast so if you don't have at least a 55 gal tank, you better start saving for one now.He will need to be put in it before the yr is over.

Size..well people report that they get 24 inches in the wild, and 18 inches is a good estimate of an obtainable length in captivity. However there has recently been a stir of commotion on planet catfish about their size.

PCF list them as only getting 11 inches. This would be about 13 inches if you include the tail. Anyways, Jools (the site owner) and Shane (one of the main contributors) have said time and time again that the reason for the small estimated size is they have yet to see proof (a photo or the real animal) of one over that length. Now they even publicly asked that if anyone has one larger than this size to send in a pic. No one has done so yet.

Now these two chaps go down to SA all the time on collection trips. The site is 10 yrs old. If in none of their travels nor in any of those 10 yrs has any one produced a pic or have they seen an animal over a foot long..Kinda makes me wonder just how large this fish actually gets. Still 12 inches of pleco is a large fish.


Superstar Fish
Jul 15, 2006
umm well it sorta looks like the pic that fishlover1 posted, but i never really see him, hes always in this little log thing i have, and hes in a 20gal right now...ive never really had any sucess with plecos, they usually just lived for a few days then passed, but ive had this guy for about a week now and i usually see him with a full belly so i know hes eating (plus the log in there isnt as algea covered anymore :p)


Superstar Fish
Jul 15, 2006
so...what should i do then because no LFS where i live have anything other then commons, no BN, no nothing! but i still want a plec, well i still want THIS plec...hes so cute hehe, soo would he be ok in my 20gal?


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
No not for long. Commons don't really stunt. They are hardy enough to bulldoze past that weakling stunting crap. His growth will be slower keeping him in too small a tank, but he will become "that monster that fills up the bottom of my tank" eventually. His bio-load will have long since been an issue for that volume of water, giving you constant headache.

Get a bigger tank, or get rid of him and order one online. - Your Aquatic Auction Website
Exotic Finds
SomethingsPhishy: Discus Plecos Fish Online Store Pleco Aligator Pleco - 3 inch Golden Starfire Sailfin Bushinose Pleco - 1.5 inch L007 Vampire Pleco - 6 inch L009 - Smokey Peckoltia - 3 Inch L011 Red Fin Thresher - 2.5 inch L014 Goldy Pleco - 10 inch L014 Goldy Pleco - 2 inch L018 Gold Nugget Pleco - 2 Discus and Plecos


Superstar Fish
Jul 15, 2006
oh jeeze, sorry for the like 4 posts!!!! my comp sorta froze so i pushed the post button more then once :p , but i was thinking...could i keep him until he gets too big then when he gets big put him in a pond?


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Yeah that will work as long as it doesn't get cold where you are. They can deal with cool waters but are still tropical fish.

They have become an introduced species here in Florida and in Texas and can be found in the wild.


Superstar Fish
Jul 15, 2006
wow that would be cool finding a pleco in the wild!!!! haha i would take it :p, but yeah we are planning on moving and im BEGGING for a pond, so i was thinking until we move and get the pond, i will just keep him, oh and the pond is gonna have a heater...a big one haha


Superstar Fish
Aug 21, 2005
Clinton, NY
Congrats on the Common, they're pretty cool! :) Have you tried to feed him veggies yet? They're a blast to watch eat zucchini!

I used to keep mine in a 20 gallon tank, which lasted about four months before I set up my 40 gallon. Now he lives in there and it's been a good eight months. He's grown maybe 2 inches since I've gotten him and I overfeed him because I can't resist watching him inhale zucchini. I personally think you'll be okay with the 20 gallon for a little while, but only if you're filtrating it well, have places for him to hide and stake out a territory in, and as long as you're aware that he will need a bigger tank when he hits about 5-6 inches. I bet he'd like a pond when he's bigger :3 Good luck with him! :D

And now, a little rant because it's midnight and I feel like putting this out there: I dunno, I just get a little... not annoyed, but bothered when people jump on others when they have commons in smaller tanks (not that anyone in this post did, that's a very general statement and when I say smaller, I mean 20g, not 10, that is too small). True, they need to realize that the Plec is going to need larger housing as it grows (which they grow pretty quick), but sometimes, people make it sound like the owner is going to wake up the next day and the Plec is going to be 2 feet long and sucking on the walls or something. Hmmm... sorry, I'm just in a bad mood and that's always bugged me a bit. Just putting it out there... that wasn't directed at anyone in particular. I'll stop my rant now, sorry, don't eat me D:


Superstar Fish
Jul 15, 2006
hahahaha i agree with ur rant, ive always thought that a 20gal tank was big enough for a pleco...but i guess not haha :p but i agree, its annoying when ppl just attack someone who could be new to fish keeping, like when someone has a 33gal, and has 2 oscars in it, when they bought them they were tiny, but then ppl spaz at them for messing up once! :p theres my rant heheee


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
Yeah, without knowing the situation, you can't really say much. I have an oscar in a 29gal, an oscar in a 32gal, and a Royal Pleco in a 10gal. But what makes this OK is that 1) none of these fish are staying in these tanks very long 2) They are all in quarentine 3) oscar #1 is under 2", oscar #2 is about 4", royal pleco is about 3" 4) I am keeping these tanks maticulously clean and the 10gal and 32gal are bare bottomed and overfiltered 5) the 32gal is 4' long. I could go on and on, but that's the basics. You can't judge by just hearing the type of fish and size of tank.