Common Pleco's are TANKS!!!

Jan 20, 2005
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I must have left the side access flap on my custom hood open last night when I went to bed about 8PM. Sometime between then and 6:30am my
4" Pleco must've jumped out. I noticed him there on the floor 4 FEET away from the tank while getting ready! There's no telling how long he had been there. When I picked his motionless, DRY body up by the tip of his tailfin, there was no bend he was totally stiff. I went to toss him in the trash and saw his mouth move. So, I imediately went & threw him back in the tank & he just sank motionless to the bottom. I thought for sure I'd come back from work & he'd be 1/2 eaten by my cichlids. To my suprise, as I was walking towards the door to leave for work, I looked into the tank and he was gone. So, I looks towards the other end of the tank & there he was sucking on the glass!

I am just AMAZED at the things I have seen those guys make it through.

I am actually leaving right now to head home for lunch. I'll report back on his condition...


Superstar Fish
Aug 21, 2005
Clinton, NY
When Plecos are out of water (or they're dead...), their body goes totally stiff, which is very annoying if you're using a net- they're spines get caught in it.

Anyways, that is really amazing! I've heard stories of fish living for 2 hours outside of water, but considering the amount of time he could have been out, that's just... well, amazing! :eek:

You're very lucky :)

Jan 20, 2005
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Okay! Well I ended up just swinging by my apartment towards the end of my lunch. It appeared at first that the poor guy was okay as he was attached to the front glass. Sadly, I was mistaken. After about a minute or so, he let go of the glass and started to swim......wait let me rephrase that.....he began to "half-moon, curly-q'ish wriggle away :( . Poor guy doesn't have a chance. If my Cichlids haven't eaten him by the time I get home, what would be the best way to put him out of his misery???

Feb 22, 2003
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I would seriousy leave him for at least a day to see if he picks up, maybe if you have a tank with more docile fish put him in there to recover or get a large tupperware dish and put him and some of the tank water in and try feeding him a tiny bit of food...He may just be in shock and a little dehydrated and needs some rest. Also cover the dish and give him blackness so he will be calm and not stress out anymore than he already is.

Jan 20, 2005
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Well, as of right now the poor guy is still alive and, with any luck, may stay that way. However, when I look at the poor guy clinging to the glass like THEY always do, I can tell that he definately has some internal damage. I can see blood from just behind his head all the way to his tail even through his DARK/THICK skin. I guess all I can do is just keep an eye on him and just hope for the best...:confused:

i went fishing one time and had a couple fish in a bucket, and went inside for a couple hours. when i came out again one was laying on the dock all dried out, so i scooted it into the lake with my foot and it just sunk to the bottom. i was sitting there watching it, and it started to move a little, and then started to a little more, then just swam away. i guess fish are pretty tough.

Jan 20, 2005
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HELP!!! Poor fella!

While at home on my lunch, I just noticed that his WHOLE tail-end is literally FALLING OFF and some of the other fish are eating it/him. Of his 4" body length, 1.75" is FALLING OFF! It appears to me that if he were to heal up with his tail gone, he'd be fine. As he is now, he seems to be able to "get around."
(If image doesn't come up, follow this link:
THAT IS NOT HIM! I just got a pic from Google & edited it to give a better image of what I'm talking about. That is pretty much what he will look like if he survives. Is there anything I can do (Meds, etc.) to see that he does survive or would he be better off in FISHIE-HEAVEN???:(

Feb 22, 2003
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Melafix in order to heal the wounds, and if you can put him in a tank by himself cause if they are picking at him he won't be able to heal....I had one either jump out or get pulled out by my cat and he was on the floor for a while and when I got him back into the tank he had holes al through the fin across his back and that was in 2003, and he's still alive in my tank today, so Melafix and maybe something for fungal infections before it happens just as prventative measures, and his own tank or bowl of some sort just for recovery....good luck

Wow. I'm sorry I can't help other than say to arrange it to the best of your ability so that he cannot be picked on and so that he has fresh, clean water.

If the tail thing weren't happening, I'd be much, much less concerned. That is very odd, indeed.

But, for a ray of hope, a few years ago I had a betta jump out of a tank - and he was all dry by the time I found him - but he lived for many months after that suicide attempt.

EDIT: As for moving him, use a big cooking bowl if you have one. Even a large cup. Much less stressful than a net and he won't be out of water at all.

Jan 20, 2005
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Well, I scooped him up ever so gingerly and transfered him to my 10 gallon community where he won't be picked on. I also added Melafix. I'd say by this time tomorrow, his tail will be gone. The only thing that concearns me in the 10 gallon is that it is experiencing a pretty decent green slime outbreak. I guess its in the FISHIE-GOD'S hands now...well, I'll do my part & keep up the Melafix dosage & frequent water changes...

Jan 20, 2005
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i wonder what could be causing his tail to be falling off? maybe it got too dried out, and its his bodies way of getting rid of the dead part?
That's exactly what I'm thinking. If he survives, he will be a very different looking Ple*co, that's for sure! I'll definately have to post pics.

I wonder how he is doing today?
I'm heading out for lunch in about 15 minutes. I'll defiately swing by to check on him & add his meds. I'll provide an update...

Jan 20, 2005
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Well, I'm back & I don't think he's doing to well. Its kinda hard to see due to having the tank on an opposite day/night cycle to act as a night light for my daughter & (I'm an idiot) I didn't even think to tun on the light for a sec. DUH!
I guess I'll give a better update later on after I'm home for the day.