community lift-off...yehaaaaaaaaaaaaa :)


Large Fish
Nov 3, 2005
'serendipity' tank
got my 3 cories at the w/end...trilineatus...bootiful...
they are very active...great fun to watch...

and boy have they stirred up the 6 platies...
the red wags have now got competition for food...
they're amazed at how the cories 'suck-up' from the bottom...
and my platties are now having a go themselves...

the three newcomers zipp up and down the glass like ballet dancers...
trawling for algae i guess...they are poetry in motion...
i can't tell you how much i love these guys...
they are totally fantastico...bootiful fish...

my tank is becoming a truly living thing now...
as the community builds...
i hope to add 3 more leopard cories this w-end...

water parameters are spot is 7.2 ...
i'll maybe mess with hardness when the tank is settled down...

all in all i'm having a ball...and i have still heaps of fish to go...
over the next month or two i will add 12 hatchets and 12 cardinal tetras...
and i have a common ple*o and 2 botia striata to go in too...
[edit]...they're in...and blissfully happy in their new home......
10% water changes...every other day from now on ...

i know i'm probably pushing the overstocking limit here...
but with regular 10% water changes...use of polyfilters...
care not to overfeed and religious filter maintenance...
i think all will be well...oh yes...i plan to try out java ferns as well...

it's going to be a colourful and active tank...that's for sure...

thanks you all for your invaluable help...
and thanks for enduring my ramble... :):):)

[edit]...the saga...continues...
i now have a fourth cory...two more to follow...
i have 6 black neons...six more to come...
[i decided against the cardinals]...
i have a male betta installed as well...:)

i'm getting some more zebra loaches tomorrow...
what funn it is to stock a tank...
now...where could i stash a 100gallon...garage maybe... :):):)

Last edited:
Sep 16, 2005
*twirlysmi i can tell you're really excited about your little microcosm.. and rightfully so.. it's great when all the studying up and careful calculations finally come together. and aren't cories just the greatest?

i read your other post about the rescue of bert, ernie, and oscar... very cute. can't wait for photos (you should snap a couple of the wee one for us all to ooh and aah over as well!)

congrats on a happy community!*thumbsups

Nov 3, 2005
'serendipity' tank
geekrockgirl85 said:
*twirlysmi i can tell you're really excited about your little microcosm.. and rightfully so.. it's great when all the studying up and careful calculations finally come together. and aren't cories just the greatest?

i read your other post about the rescue of bert, ernie, and oscar... very cute. can't wait for photos (you should snap a couple of the wee one for us all to ooh and aah over as well!)

congrats on a happy community!*thumbsups
chears know how i feel...all excited and proud...
got another cory today...and 6 black neons...
boyso...wot a busy's looking great...yehaaaaaaaaaaa :):):

i'll see wot i can do aboot the pix... :)