Compact Flourescent Bulbs


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
It will depend on what kinds of plants you want to grow. Some require more light than others.

With the 5g, you will need more wpg to get the necessary growth. I would count 10 watts as low light. Maybe go for 15 or 20 watts if you want a higher light tank, if it's physically possible (depending on dimensions of tank etc.).

For the 20 and 30 gallon tanks, I would aim for 2.5 to 3 wpg. So, around 50 or 60 watts on the 20g and 90 to 1110 watts on the 35g tank.

You can go for less if you want low-light plants, or have one as a low, one as a medium and one as a high-light tank... or whatever. :)

Lotus: thanx for responding so fast, that is the exact info I was looking for. I have a 9 watt (500 lumens) in my 5 gallon with hornwort for guppy fry to hide, hornwort is doing well. In the 20 gallon I have green hedge with a 9 watt which I have to change to 50 or 60. The 35 gallon is getting slate rock and driftwood variations before I add water and cycle it. I have seen alot of amazing aquascaped tanks and I have asked alot of questions and did alot of research. When I
figure out the placement and fill the tank I'll take some pics so you can see. :)

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