Compatability question.

May 29, 2006
Sussex, NJ
I just stocked my 150 with 1 florida gar about 3 inches, 1 oscar about 1.5 inches, 1 jewel cichlid( i think that is what it is) about 2.5 inches, and 2 parrot fish about 2 inches along with 3 plecos. Can someone tell me if this will in the future be a problem as they have different growth rates. Thanks, Chuck.

Mar 30, 2006
Westland, Michigan
As Wayne said the gar will do damage to all. Oscars grow at quite a quick rate, quite passive when happy, and IMO wouldn't put but one to 100g per fish. The parrot's (hope they're not dyed) depending on what kind as King Kong Parrots can be very aggressive. The true KKBP or BP does not like their surroundings moved once they have moved the plants, gravel, etc., to their liking when you move there habitat, they will attack you. Jewels can get aggessive but usually in pairs.

Plecs, that's Pure's specialty.*thumbsups

At least they are all small and you still have time to to watch their growth and temperaments and act accordingly.

May 29, 2006
Sussex, NJ
New list: it now contains; 1 oscar, 1 green terror, 2 parrot fish( one is the tank ruler and the other is a pansy), and 1 Jack dempsey. The jd and the green terror hang together aside from the fact that the gt used to try and attack the jd. I am surprised to the fact that the green terror does not try and take on the parrot as it looks like he could easily overpower him. I also took out 1 of the plecos.