Compatibility with Bluegill


Large Fish
Jul 25, 2008
So. Cal. USA
I have 4 Bluegill ranging in size from 4" to 2.5". The tank is a 48"x18"x12" unit. (about 40 gals. Looking to upsize soon)

I put a small crawdad in there and provided a nice hiding place for it, which it used. But one day I noticed the one of the Bluegill apparently killed it, but didn't eat it.

I also have a small, 3" Scupin in there and they don't even seem to pay attention to it.

I guess my question is; if I put a bigger Crawdad/Craw fish in there do you think the Bluegill will leave it alone? They are pretty rowdy critters and when I feed them crickets they often times splash water out of the tank when they hit them.

Jul 12, 2008
Reading, PA
Sunfish in general are not very friendly. They will eat or try to eat anything. I've had them try to munch on my fingers. It's hit or miss with any crayfish. Bluegill and crayfish occupy the same habitat, and often the crayfish are a meal for the fish.

One day your sculpin might end up missing as well. Like I said, hit or miss. I've kept wild caught ones before, and they are awesome, not definitely not friendly.


Large Fish
Jul 25, 2008
So. Cal. USA
It's hard to say if the crawdad died or was killed although the overall health of my tank is quite good, I think. And the crawdad did have a good place to hide; very secluded.

As I said, they have not so much as looked at the Sculpin. The biologist at my work thinks the Sculpin have some kind of property about them that the Bluegill don't like. I suppose that could change.

I just introduced a much larger Crawdad and three more Sculpin. The existing Sculpin is the one chasing the three smaller Sculpin. I provided another somewhat secluded spot for the Crawdad.

I work in a water treatment plant. Surface water from streams, rivers etc. flows into our plant and is treated to make it safe for drinking. I find these critters at the inlet to the plant where algae and other debris is screened out.

State law says it is illegal to transport any game fish from one body of water to another, even if the other is an aquarium. The penalties are quite stiff although I'm not really in any danger of getting ratted out by anyone at the plant. Legally according to state law and our permit from the regulating agency states that the only place these critters can go is into the trash, with all the other stuff that is screend out. No where else. I catch these things (that is if they manage to survive the trip to the plant, that's another story) and give them away to a couple of fish and aquarium supply stores nearby.

These are some very, very interesting fish. The 4 Bluegill I have had for the last three months or so are like "my boys". They know when feeding time is and darn near eat out of my hand. They dig holes in the sand and they chase each other around. I have another 20 gallon tank I may start up just to stockpile and give away critters I find in the inlet to our plant. During the annual plant shutdown I may be able to haul in 50 or more healthy Sculpin. I'll wait and see.