Compatible Tiger Barb tankmates!

May 11, 2010
Hello I have had an aquarium for a few years now and I used to have a 55 gallon, but now I am starting up a 38 gallon. This new 38 gallon has a fluval filtration system and I recently just added:
6 regular tiger barbs
1 pleco.

I was just wondering what kind of suitable tank mates I could put with these tigers and how many of each. I know I definitely want some cories, but which kind of cories to get? I don't particularly like the albino ones, but whats another good hardy cory cat that will get along with tigers?

I really also like Cherry Barbs and Harlequin Rasboras, would either of these fish be good tank mates for tigers?

Thank you!


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
Almost anything without long fins will be fine, you should be fine to use the cory you want.

Both cherry barbs and harlequin rasboras also work well. What you want to avoid is anything, as I said, with long flowing fins, or of a nervous disposition which will lead them to be stressed by the more active tiger barbs. You have a nice-sized group which should minimise aggression but if you wanted to be safe you could buy 4 more tiger barbs.

May 11, 2010
I have a common small pleco. He is about 2 inches now, and when he does get too large for my tank, I will give him to my cousin who has a nice 70 gallon tank.

Also, I do know that Plecos eventually get too large for the size tank I have now. What's another type of algae eater I can get that do not get as big as plecos but do a great job at cleaning up algae?

Thanks again!

Last edited:
Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
albino bn are great they get 3-4"max regular bn 4-6" and both are very efficient cleaners

oto's you can get 5 and count it as 1 as bioload because they dont really produce a huge bioload. heck i would get both if i were you. 1 bn and 5 or 10 oto's. also i would bump the group of tiger barbs up to like 10-12. you will love the activity. i had 16 at once and it was fun to watch. there are many types of tiger barbs. ive had platinum green, green, albino, and regular all at once and thats when i had 16. i got 4 of each

idk about mixing ras and barbs. the cherry barbs and tiger barbs will be fine. they can be an aggressive bunch and they are fin nippers so like previously said make sure you dont have long finned fish.

May 11, 2010
Thanks everyone! I'm going to check the aquarium store for otos and bristlenose plecos. And I'm thinking about putting my tigers with cherry barbs, danios, or just getting more tiger barbs. I'm not sure yet.


Large Fish
Sep 2, 2009
look in my sig at the 65 gallon. everyone gets along fine, with the occasional nipping amongest the TBs. plus, they all school together!:p