
Okay, so it's not happening any time soon, as I'm just getting the hang of freshwater tanks, but I would like to ask for the meantime about the compatibility of some animals I'de like to have when I do start a reef tank... Allright, so I think a 30 gallon tank will be the size, if not, a 40... I would like to have some branch coral and a few others I don't know the names of. I will ask the manager of the store there names... Anyway, live rock and live sand will also be bought, and I'de like to know if blennie scooters, a clownfish or two, and an anenome will go well in a reef tank?

Feb 25, 2008
Savage, MN
Well first off, if you are going to get live rock, don't waste your money on live sand. Not really necessary. Your substrate will be live enough from the live rock. I would recommend regular aragonite substrate. I wouldn't put an anemone in a tank that small either. They are going to need their space and if you put in other corals they can be at risk from the anemone. As far as fish compatibility goes, check out this chart.

Marine Compatability Chart


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Clowns don't really need anemones. They'll often use other corals, such as mushrooms. Anemones are a major pain. They move around the tank and sting corals. If the water isn't perfect, they'll die and nuke everything. Generally, go for either corals or anemones.

Scooter dragonets are awesome, but can be difficult to feed frozen foods. If you do decide to get one, make sure the store shows you it eating frozen or pellet food before you buy.

Other than that, it sounds OK. Be prepared to spend $$$. Lighting alone can be $400.

Aww, I liked the anenomes, they were pretty lol... Allright, well, I would like some branch coral and a couple of other corals... I didn't know that they were hard to feed... These ones were moving actively, that's always a good sign huh? And about the clownfish, you are sure they don't need an anenome? Anyway, I'll try and take some pictures today, I'm going there today and I'll bring a camera... BTW, I know they cost a lot of money, I plan on raising 1000 dollars alone before even considering a tank lol...

Okay, so I got offered a free 50 gallon aquarium and of course I jumped on it... I plan on getting clownfish some scooter blennies and maybe a couple of other fish to add to it, but my LFS told me, and I trust him as he has experience in this, that it would probably be better to start out with a fish only tank and work up to corals... He told me that he wouldn't suggest getting the blennies because they are fifteen dollars and if they die, waste of fifteen dollars, he said there were other fish that he might sell but he said overall it's my choice in what I think I can handle...


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
just make sure he doesnt sell you any damsels, you would be very sorry. Some fish store owners know their stuff but remember their main goal is to sell stuff. Our main goal is to make sure that you are successful in this hobby and we have no motive or hidden agenda. Not to say your guy is one of those but remember the people on this forum are very knowledgeable and up to the present as far as this hobby is concerned and I would put their knowledge level up against any lfs any day of the week.

fish only is a good start but keep your fish in mind with your ultimate goal. Get fish that are compatible and reef safe if your final goal is a reef. You can easily keep some easy care corals such as soft corals and polyps in a beginner tank that your clown fish would take to. Remember to add the least aggressive fish first and the most aggressive last.
Also remember that stocking levels is saltwater are very different than in fresh water and you will be limited to the size and number of fish. good luck! we are here to help!

I know, he has been in the hobby for quite a while and he is trying to save me money, actually... He said that if the blennie died theres a waste of fifteen dollars and suggested instead buying one of the five dollar fish to start out with... He also added that you should only go to reputable online sites, saying something about certain sites telling people to add alcohol to their salt water... Anyway he has been in the hobby for quite a few years and he knows his stuff and he has many customers who know their stuff...

Well, he was saying that this is bad but that some online sites will promote this... Anyway, I'm gonna try and set this 50 gallon up as a salt water if this angel doesn't pull through... The angelfish was left in the apartment with the tank and I don't know whether it is fresh water or salt water even... My teacher said it was purple...

Getting off topic, okay, so this 50 gallon tank, I would like to start out with a clownfish or two along with one of those blennies if I decide and a blue green fish, I forgot what it was called...? lol... Anyway, I guess that I'll wait and see for now, I'm gonna ask for salt water supplies for my b-day and I might be able to set it up if my Dad will take an angle fish in his pond... IDK, I might just give it to my LFS because of care requirements...