I have a currently running complete 55 gallon setup that I am needing to get rid of. Very sad to see it go but someone who knows what they are doing will love it. Includes glass tank (1 year old), stand, protein skimmer, biowheel filter, undergravel filter setup, 2 powerheads, heater, air pump and hosing, all checmicals that I have currently and supplies. Tank has 50 pounds of live rock with great purple algae growth, 1 blue damsel, 1 clown (3-4 inches, very large), a yellow tank, and a bahama star fish. Several small crabs and snails in rock as well. Also included is a $450 original price light with moon light and daylight switches to change on and off and built in fan. Timer is included with plug strip! If interested, please contact me and we can discuss pricing!