is it safe to change all the water in my 10 gallon tank?
the gravel in it is really really dirty but i do not have
money to buy a gravel vacuum. so i dont know what else
to do but to clean the whole tank and clean the gravel
by hand.
is that safe?
do you guys have another suggestion to my problem?
You might get away with it if you removed the gravel and rinsed it in dechlorinated water, but like monoxide said I wouldnt recommend it. Not to pry but a gravel vac at walmart is only about $10.. now I realize times are hard so only you know what you can afford just letting you know what I have found.
You can kill your beneficial bacteria in doing so, I wouldn't recommend it. What I'd do is stir up the gunk in the substrate and let it get trapped in the filter, then clean the filter pads in dechlorinated water.