I bought two blood parrot fish not long ago, a pink, and blue one. Now the pink one has become less shy, and comes out in the open once in awhile but otherwise chills in "her" cave.
Now the blue one is the one that concerns me... He keeps ramming himself into one of the plants and just sits there almost all day. He seems to be breathing a little heavy but otherwise looks fine. He also appear to be acquiring the black dominant markings on his upper body. So i cant figure out what to do to get him to stay out of the damn plant....its a little worry-some and im just concerned for his health.
I checked the water conditions, and aside from a tiny amount ((lower than .1) of nitrite, everything else is fine. So what could be causing him to be constantly hiding. There is a vase deco in the tank which the pink on seems to have called its home. I was considering buying a second decoration to give a hiding spot.... would this solve my problem??
Any help is welcome.
p.s. I am aware that blood parrots tend to take awhile (weeks - months) to acclimatise to there new environments and are generally extremely shy fish, but this one just sits there in a plant.... literally he takes a running start and wedges himself in there.
Now the blue one is the one that concerns me... He keeps ramming himself into one of the plants and just sits there almost all day. He seems to be breathing a little heavy but otherwise looks fine. He also appear to be acquiring the black dominant markings on his upper body. So i cant figure out what to do to get him to stay out of the damn plant....its a little worry-some and im just concerned for his health.
I checked the water conditions, and aside from a tiny amount ((lower than .1) of nitrite, everything else is fine. So what could be causing him to be constantly hiding. There is a vase deco in the tank which the pink on seems to have called its home. I was considering buying a second decoration to give a hiding spot.... would this solve my problem??
Any help is welcome.
p.s. I am aware that blood parrots tend to take awhile (weeks - months) to acclimatise to there new environments and are generally extremely shy fish, but this one just sits there in a plant.... literally he takes a running start and wedges himself in there.