Concerned over temperature fluctuations in a 3 gallon tank


Small Fish
Apr 17, 2011
My son has a little three gallon set up with just a platy and ghost shrimp in it. The tank has a hood with two incandescent bulbs. We turn the lights on during the day and off at night.

I have observed that during the day with the lights on the tank's temperature is rising about 4 degrees F. I am concerned over this much temperature variation for the health of his fish.


Large Fish
Nov 13, 2010
Northeastern Tennessee.
Hello; incadenscent bulbs generate a lot of heat. I have had good success with the CFL (compact fluorescent) as replacements in hoods that have sockets for the incandescent type. I use the physically smaller versions, which fit nicely. The CFL bulbs generate much less heat and will cut the electricity use as well.

One note; The regular (department store) CFL bulbs seem more sensitive to moisture and need to be protected from condensation or spray. Many modern factory hoods have the sockets protected, if not some sort of protection will increase the life of the bulbs.

another thing that comes to mind is to use smaller wattage incandescent bulbs or just one bulb.