Confused about meds and illnesses


Small Fish
Nov 4, 2005
Morning everyone,
A couple of days ago one of my dwarf gourami's decided to take up camp behind an ornament and no longer comes out. Maybe for 60 seconds, but that's about it.
My other dwarf gourami is really sluggish, and hasn't had much of an appetite (shocking) for the past few days. Also, I saw some slimy goo by his bum on Sunday.

I went to the LFS and told them, blah blah blah, and they gave me Quick Cure. I used it for 2 treatments now, and it says the max to use is 3.

How long should I wait to see if this stuff is really working? I did some research, and it seems that the medicine metronidazole might be more for their symptoms.

If I end up going with a different medicine, do I need to use a new filter? (I've already dumped the old one and am using a new one without the carbon while medicating.)

If the Quick Cure doesn't work, how long should I wait before I try another medicine? I hate to see them unhappy. :(

Water PH = 7.6
Ammonia & Nitrates = All zero


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
How long has your tank been set up?

In general if you want to switch medications you need to do a big water change to get as much of the old medication out of the tank as possible and probably put some carbon in to run at least a few hours to take out any remaining medication before you put the new one in.

Be VERY careful about switching your filter dont want your beneficial bacteria to go bye bye. This is why many people use two seperate things in their filter...the normal filter floss and WHEN NEEDED some carbon in a baggy of some sort.

I'm not entirely sure what they have or how to treat it so I'm not going to speculate on how to medicate them...


Small Fish
Nov 4, 2005
Thanks for getting back to me.

It's been up for about 3 months now. (Post cycle).

Will do about the filter pad.

Today the chubby one is swimming around, and the little guy came out for a peek this morning. I don't know what's up with them. I'll have to watch them for a few more days before I do anything else.

Thanks again.