Confused and need help with an African Dwarf Frog


New Fish
Jul 12, 2012
Without going into too much detail, I am trying to help someone with an African Dwarf Frog. Please undestand that the frog is NOT mine, so there are a lot of limitations to what I can do.

Currently, the frog is in a 1.5 to 2 gallon tank. The owner will NOT go bigger. The frog is alone. If it makes a difference, he is also relatively small (size-wise, not age-wise).

The water will be changed or partially changed once every one to two weeks (again, this is not within my control).

I have tried to put in a low-flow filter, but the frog is TERRIFIED of vibrations, even with a sponge filter. He is so terrified he keeps hitting himself against the wall (he has lived for two years without a filter in one of those forogspheres). I had to take the filter out. Now, I don't know how to make sure that the water stays clean enough that he doesn't get sick.

Would adding this Seachem Prime 500ml: Pet Supplies to the water between cleanings help (currently, I use spring water, so I didn't add anything else)? What about something like a live sponge (it would have to be something pretty small)?

I am open to suggestions, as long as it doesn't involve an electricity-powered filter (because it really freaks out the frog, and I am not sure the owner would even use it).


Small Fish
Jun 30, 2012
My friends have frogs that they just keep in a bowl (no filter) with a plant. They actually only clean the bowl once every two to three weeksand their frogs have lived five+ years. They just gave me one and he's doing fine.


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
That's really nice of you to try and help your friend - and the frog!!! ADFs don't need to have a filter, and since the poor little guy was so terrified don't worry about that. Encourage your friend to do water changes regularly, and yes, Prime is an excellent product for treating chlorine and chloramine and even nitrites. Use it with the water changes. Is the tank cycled or will it be changed out completely with each water change? Are there hiding places?