Confusing test readings

I have been trying to get my tank to achieve normal readings after finding out they were high when I got ick. I have successfully got ammonia and Nitrite down (lowest reading the test strips give) but Nitrate is still reading as off the chart? Is there a reason this might be reading this way? Or should I just assume everything is correct and keep doing water changes every couple of days and hope it goes down. My fish are so use to the water changes now that they don't even care that I've got my hands stuck in there. Been getting the same readings for about 2 weeks now. Also there is no algae growth what so ever, which is confusing as I keep reading that nitrates promote that growth.

Fish are doing decently well although I get one die every 4-7 days or so.

Thanks for all of your help in advance as I know it will prove useful.

Current Chemicals being used. Searchem: Stability, Searchem: Prime (JUST switched from Top Fin: Water Conditioner during the water change today)

Fish in tank: (12in x 24in x 21in = 25 Gallon?)
4 guppies, 4 Mollies, 3 Damios (spelling?), 3 Platies

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Feb 27, 2009
High nitrates can promote growth of some types of algae, but not always. Nitrate is the final product of your nitrogen cycle, so unless you have plants taht are going to consume it, you just dilute it with water changes.

Your tank size is correct: 24" by 12" footprint, and 20" deep should be 25gallons.

The paper test strips are not the most accurate way to measure, so the reading could be off there too.

Sounds like you are doing fine :) Welcome to The Tank!

P.S. It's Danio :) ... And the company that makes Prime and Stability is Seachem (for Sea Chemicals - they started out making supplies for salt/reef aquariums).

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