Considering rams


Small Fish
Aug 30, 2003
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After receiving a few suggestions from different places, I am trying to decide if I want rams for my next fish or not. I've been reading up on them and find them very appealing. I understand they are a little harder to keep, so they seem like a good step up from the normal beginner fish (not that those aren't great ;) ).

I can only fit a ten gallon at the moment (I'm hoping to get a 30 in the future). I've been told by several people that you can keep rams in something as small as a ten.
Now for my questions...

In a tank this size, should I only get one or two?
Should I put other, smaller fish in the tank also?
Would I need to add extra filtration because of the delicate nature of the fish?

The tank I'm probably going to buy comes with a Whisper (can't remember the number...the Whisper 10 to 20 gallon). Should a second filter or larger filter be added or does it not matter?

I haven't even purchased the tank yet. I like planning ahead. :)

May 11, 2003
Rams are great. No more then 2 in a 10 Gal. Hopefully you get lucky and get a m & f or 2 females. Having 2 males in a 10 might not be a good idea. Get some ottos and maybe 6 neons.

Good luck. Move them in the 30 gal ASAP.