

Large Fish
Feb 10, 2003
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Well folks after 20 years of keeping cichlids I have switched over to a community tank. Mostly africans but I did have a Blood Parrot for over 15 years. The switch came after a bacterial infection from a coral skeleton wiped out all but 2 yellow labs and a couple of multy cats. The tank was running fine but when my water started breaking down the coral everything went out of control. Water chem never changed and my LFS said even though the coral was bleached they still harbor parasites for years.
Total clean out of tank and 6 weeks of no illness I gave the balance away. My 45 tall now houses plenty of driftwood and open water for swimming. The stock...
2 angels, 1 yellow and 1 marbled.
3 scissor tail tetras
3 hatchet fish, silver
2 peppered cory cats
1 LO18 pleco
Ill be picking up a couple of glowlight zebras this week. They will be on sale so genetically altered fish it is. No pics yet, Im waiting till the tannin start to lighten from the drift wood. I know the angels are cichlids but more suited for community living then africans. Thoughts and comments always welcome on the new set up. steve


Large Fish
Feb 10, 2003
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The silver hatchet's are cool floating around. Chow hounds eating anything on the surface.
I lost a big albino peacock (5") 2 yellow labs, 6" pleco and a pair of moorii in the 4" range.


Large Fish
Feb 10, 2003
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Thanks for the kudos but I have to confess. That is a room divider tank and even in the dead of night I still get reflection and elements of the opposing room coming through. Those pics are taken with a black felt cloth as a temp back round. In a few days Ill take some " total tank" shots.