Converting Green Spotted Puffer to saltwater. Reef safe?

Oct 4, 2010

I have a cute little green spotted puffer named Dei, and I'm gradually converting him to saltwater. I'm well-versed in the area of planted freshwater tanks and the ecology involved, but as far as marine setups are concerned I'm an anxious newbie with absolutely no practical experience. To gain that experience I want to try my hand at a reef set up, choosing a few hardy invert species (that are not GSP dinner items like crabs, shrimp or snails) that can coexist with a GSP (no other fish) in a 30 gallon tank. I've read so much conflicting information on what is or isn't compatible with a GSP that I'm at loose ends.

I'm particularly interested in knowing whether anemones (I've heard these are extremely difficult so I definitely won't be getting one of these right away) or urchins would become lunch ... or if they could potentially hurt Dei. What about small starfish? Corals? Mushrooms? Polyps? I'm still very much in the research phase of my reef-building process and I've been holding off on buying even so much as basic equipment until I know precisely what I need. I don't feel as if I know enough basic information about each of these animals in general to feel comfortable keeping them, so I certainly won't be buying anything yet. I'm just trying to gather information with this post.

Also, as a side note, I want to avoid surpassing 30 gallons with this setup because I'm in college now and I really REALLY don't want to try moving a gigantic reef out of my apartment without casualties. Also I don't want MANY corals and things. I want to see if I'm capable of keeping them alive before I get a whole reef going because fish are not my toilet's natural diet and I'm interested in keeping it that way.

Thank you in advance!!


Small Fish
Aug 7, 2009
well as far as my experience goes, puffers are for FISH ONLY tanks. Most inverts are going to become lunch, everything from snails and shrimp to anemone and coral. sorry. you have two options IMO... load your tank with live rock (about 30 lbs) and get a decent light to support the live rock and maybe another compatible fish or two. OOOORRRRRRRRR get rid of the puffer and start setting up your reef. you can start with a [pair of ocellarus clows (false perculas) the tank raised are alot more hardy.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
not reef safe at all.
your choices for coral should revolve around xenia, blue clove polyps and i guess GSP. those are good ones to start with, unless your puffer decides to eat them all lol.
reef inverts arent safe from the puffer. puffer is not safe from a serious anemone. something like a rock flower anemone can be a decent choice if you have decent lighting on your tank.