i recently started back into the hobby of fishkeeping. my last tank was about 2 years ago and after starting school i just moved into a house and started a tank back. before school i had 2 saltwater tanks. i decided with my limited time and funds i would do a freshwater tank this time. i have a 55 gallon tank with 4 convict cichlids (2 pink, 2 striped) and 2 firemouth cichlids. they are all doing well. my first question is, one pink and one regular striped have layed eggs. they are about 3 days old now and have yet to hatch, what will the offspring be, pink or striped or a mix of both? also the water in the tank is very yellow, i do not know if this is due to the neutral color gravel and tank decorations of a large piece of driftwood or due to the lighting. if anyone could help me out with either of these it would be greatly appreciated.