Convict Cichlids eating a roach (movie)


I have some movies of our Convicts darting about and biting at a roach... and a smaller movie of them finishing it off (sorry missed the grab with my silent capturing digital camera).

Anyone truly interested in seeing the movies just reply here. The Hunt is 2 megs, the Kill is under 1. Them just acting excited knowing a bug is to be found (a seperate movie) is 4, and I have a few more.

I can't post the link as I don't want to kill my bandwidth... the website I'm using is a business one. I work for the guys who own it on the side.

(we do not use poison in our house)

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Hah hah... well my dad moved down here in the late eighties... he's been a professional programmer for over 20 years now. Never gone to UF, never taught there, but I sure see a lot of people come and go. One of whom was this Latin girl named Alejandra (Alay-hon-dra). She became my best friend when I was young and in college (heck I'm still young but after three daughters I don't feel as young) and we kind of stayed. I'm working for the local County government, after years of working for small ISPs (Internet Service Providers) and web farms. I love the stability.

Actually, me getting my family a fish tank is the first sign that I feel really stable for the first time in ... well, years.