convict eggs question/not a repeat

Aug 19, 2003
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Ok, so now I finally figured out who the pair was going to be. Its a male pink , and a female striped convict. They layed about 15-20 eggs, and dug a hole under that as well, not sure if there are eggs underthere though. Question is, I only have a 10 gallon tank, but the 2 convicts - is it ok to leave the baby convicts with the parents for life? or will the parents eventually forget that its their frey and eat them for fun, or will the parents tend to them for the rest of their lives? what do u guys think i should do. I really dont have the space or responsibilty for another tank in my room, I was wondering if the parents and their babies can grow up together...please respond asap, these eggs are days/minutes away from hatching. So i need to know what to do. thanks.


Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
The really COULD grow up together but not in that size tank. The babies need to be with their parents at least for about 2-3 weeks.

And yes 2 adult convits can live fine in a 10gal tank.

They will eventually start lying eggs again and see the babies as intruders of territory.

But if you don't have the space and all to really raise the babies just leave them in the tank. At least you will get to see them kinda grow up. The parents will get a free treat, think of it that way.

You could get another 10gal tank to raise fry, not very big and capable of fry raising.

I am THINKING about taking one of my pink convict fry and crossing it with a black convict fry. Sounds like you have done it, this usually means you will have Marbled Convicts. I think they look pretty cool.

Aug 19, 2003
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Yeah, jungle fever in my 10 gallon.
Black striped with pink convict...i hope they dont eat their first batch, I am dying to see what these thinks will look like when they get older..I dont want to wait for the second batch !!! :) Anyway, i just wanted to see how aggressive they were, so i stuck a nut in by the was nuts. Both of them came charging at the net full speed. Pretty cool, I'm not gonna do that anymore, but I just think they needed a test of reality to get ready for predators in the future.

Thanks guys.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
I would disagree with the 20gal thing.

From what i have seen all over the net and stuff A LOT of people breed and keep the parents in a 10gal tank........if thats all that is in there then there is no problem.

During spawning i limit my convicts to half of my 29gal. and they spawn and live fine.